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Base Jumping From the Highest Building in the World

828m BASE Jump off the Burj Khalifa

omnistegan says...


d = vi t + 1/2 a t^2
828 = (0)t + 1/2(9.81)t^2
1656 = 9.81t^2
168.80733945 = t^2
t = 12.992587866

So yes, without drag, it would take about 13 seconds to fall that distance. (

However, BASE jumpers deal with a lot of drag. From :

"On average, a normally clothed average-weighted BASE jumper freefalling from a 500 foot building will impact in about 6 seconds. In this scenario most jumpers I knew would take a "delay" of two or three seconds before opening the parachute.

According to the current unofficial record is a two minute freefall made by Yuri Kuznetsov in the summer of 2005. He used a wingsuit to achieve this incredible feat, I don't know where the jump was or how high the jump started.

The development of the wingsuit (originally intended for skydiving) in the 1990s brought a freefall revolution in BASE jumping. The wingsuit allows jumpers to make incredibly long freefall descents along sloping mountains and cliffs, soaring like birds of prey, falling at half the normal terminal velocity. For reference, consider this: prior to the wingsuit, jumpers making outlaw leaps off of Half Dome could freefall for just under ten seconds before opening very low, near impact, over the rocky, sloping talos. Today, an experienced wingsuit flyer leaping from Half Dome can soar over 50 seconds, maneuvering over the talos and down mountainside itself until reaching the valley below. NOTE: parachuting in Yosemite National Park is strictly illegal and heavily enforced."

828m BASE Jump off the Burj Khalifa

On the top of Burj Dubai's Spire - 818 m (2,684 ft)

Extreme B.A.S.E. Jumping in Wingsuits

Extreme B.A.S.E. Jumping in Wingsuits

Laid back basehopping

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Human flight, BASE jumping, skydiving, freefall, parachute' to 'Human flight, BASE jumping, skydiving, freefall, parachute, the shins, new slang' - edited by calvados

Laid back basehopping

radx (Member Profile)

Attempting the World's Biggest Base Jump

Wingsuit Base Jumping in Baffin Island

moodonia says...

Time for some self promotion *promote

I would love to be able to do this, but how would one even learn? lots of skydiving, rock climbing, base jumping... Probably too much effort, by the time I've learnt all that I could probably just buy a VR gizmo and plug it into my cranium and do it that way

Teenager climbs all 7 peaks

westy says...

did you read what i put ?

"compleaty irresponsible, moutine climbing ( ie Everest and tall mountains) is largely chance based" < did you red this part of what i said ?

I know people that do real world climbing and have read about it and its fairly clear that when people die on mointines its normally chance not skill /prperatoin based, ESPECIALLY when its the tall ones.

You can find technical mounties that are not that tall but are infinitely more skill full,/less chance based risk to climb than say Everest. alot of the deaths on the tall mountains are caused by the weather + altitude not climber inability. (altitude often affecting peoples abilities to think properly)

the point is there are Manny hills and mountines u can climb reasonably safely and have good fun + chalnge. there are some that are just a gamble.

its like the difference between sky diving and base jumping . alot of the people that get savierly hurt / die in sky diving is because of there own fault ( swooping to low , opening shoot late, colliding with people in formation dives) in base jumping its just a case of if the shoot opens and which way the wind blows both factors that r out of the control of the participant.

your argument is actually SHIT first of all you admit that you are not talking about evarist and the tall peaks which i am specifically referring to and then you justify your position by the emotive feelings of accomplishment.

that's like me playing Russian rullet and justifying it by the buzz i got from not getting killed. regardless of how i felt it would still be Rigged odds based and annyone of common sence who realy enjoyed stuff like that would do it when thay were older not when thay were 17 and would presumably have other things thay could exsperance before thay put themselfs in a 1-10 death situatoin.

Then rather than attack my argument you say i have no knowledge of climbing well who cares if i had knowledge or not my original point is ether correct or false.


"The death rate has remained at one death for every 10 successful attempts to climb Everest for many years, the British Medical Journal report states.

Dr Sutherland says poor understanding of the effects of altitude is to blame. "


"From being there, I saw there were a lot of people with considerable mountaineering experience, but who were fairly naive in some ways about the extreme altitudes they were going to face."

Amazing POV cam footage from BASE jumpers in Norway

Base Jumping on Baffin Island (Canadian Arctic)

Wingsuit flyby

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