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Hong Kong architect builds 24 rooms in one apartment

xxovercastxx says...

I know you're kidding but I didn't see any sign of a toilet. I wonder if there's a shared bathroom in the building or if it just wasn't shown?

Also, it's Asia... You don't need a toilet to do a #2, you can just crap on somebody's chest.

>> ^HenningKO:

Oh shit! I have to use the toilet but it's behind 20 walls!
jk, it's neat... and I'm sure any room with a sink doubles as a bathroom.

Gang Starr - Code Of The Streets

Should VideoSift Allow "Always On" Perpetual Video Streams? (User Poll by dag)

choggie says...


Tied at 11 Yea, 11 Nay
Naysayers=Fear Yea=No Fear

He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. ~Harold Wilson

Dying to get in there, hear it's quite peaceful. Constant temp, conjugal visits....fresh flowers

Southern Avenger - Are Tea Partiers Racist?

NetRunner says...

Here's something Lee Atwater, the architect of the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush campaigns and mentor to Karl Rove, said in 1981:

You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can't say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”

The idea is to package conservative ideas in such a way to attract racists, and provide them with a cover story so they have plausible deniability. In other words, so people like Southern Avenger here can claim "all they're doing is taking a principled stand based on their well-reasoned philosophy", even if they seem to be tolerating outrageously racist commentary and signage within their midst, and espousing a policy set that is generally condoned by racists due to its negative impact on non-whites.

These days it's less about racism per se, and more of a generalized form of xenophobia. It's the fear of people you don't know, don't understand, and who you don't want to have to care about or feel responsible for. It's why attempts to formally establish a legal responsibility to others (strangers!) are seen as intolerably intrusive.

Personally I think a lot of the rhetoric today is about dehumanizing the poor. It's often an expression of the belief that people who're poor have individually made some sort of choice that directly warrants things like losing their house, not having money for food, being unable to pay for medical care, etc. People who want on the government dime are all lazy leeches who're dragging all of society down, and if we give them help, they'll just stop trying to be productive, and try to leech more.

That started with racism, but I think just like the rhetoric, the emotional core got a lot more abstract -- it's not about demonizing black and brown people anymore, it's more about demonizing anyone who's different, so that the idea of having to take responsibility for them seems tyrannical.

I know that there's a huge percentage of moderately conservative people who don't buy into that emotional core, and want conservative-ish things done for pragmatic reasons. There's also a group of people who are True Believers, and think that the conservative ideology is morally superior to the alternatives, or that a libertarian policy set would benefit everyone greatly, even (especially?) the poor.

Those guys I like, and truly hope they find a way to purge the racists from their political organizations (i.e. the Tea Parties and the Republican party). That is, assuming they cool off on the calls for political violence (but that's a whole other conversation).

Building on what dft said, charges of racism wouldn't really stick if you guys stopped responded to it by saying "we condemn what you're talking about, and we'll take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again because racism won't be tolerated in our movement", instead of always saying "there's no racism here, and you're a racist for calling me a racist, racist!"

How it's made - Candy Canes

rebuilder (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by rebuilder:
Could you give me a pointer where that is detailed in the video? I'm not inclined to watch the entire thing right now and can't seem to find it, having skipped through a few times.

Anyhow, I'm not putting it past the US government to do some nasty shit, but this just doesn't make any sense for the reasons I've outlined before - which I notice you didn't comment on. As long as the supposed plot doesn't make any sense I'm going to require some pretty solid evidence before I believe it existed at all.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
here ya go rebuilder:
watch this.
it is a documentary (choggie's post ironically)which it details the construction of the towers.
specifically pay attention to the architects and engineers when they discuss how the towers will react to MULTIPLE plane crashes into the tower.

Edit: actually I meant to post this in the video comments, but I guess this is good too.

i do not know the exact point in the video where the architectual engineer lays out the parameters for plane impact but i recall quite clearly that the fuel capacity and dimensions were equal to a 727 and that the towers were designed to not only absorb an impact but MULTIPLE impacts.
you should watch the film,it is very interesting and considering this engineering feat was done in the early 70'

as for the WHODUNIT scenario,
well..thats a bit more complicated and while there is a very strong circimstantial case,along with many suspicious activities concerning the federal governments role in 9/11.
there is no evidence..only conjecture.
STRONG conjecture..but that is not evidence.
so i dont take a stand on conjecture.
but i will share some of the concerns i have off the top of my head.
1.the federal governments "conspiracy theory" concerning 9/11 does not hold up under scrutiny.
2.the findings of the 9/11 commission and popular mechanics fail under scrutiny also (follow the money)
3.the physics is all wrong for the towers to have "pancaked".i know it's been 28 years since engineering school but thats too obvious.
these are just a few things that have never been fully clarified and they bother me.because we really DONT KNOW.did our government create a false flag operation?
i dont know but i do know what we are being told is bullshit.
take into consideration historical context and the economic climate at the time and a list begins to emerge.
was it al-qeada?unlikely
a multi-national group?possible
but if you look at any one group the one things that really nags me being a former military man is that there should have been no way ANY other entity could have pulled this off without federal governments assistance.
and that means that not only did our government KNOW about 9/11 but helped precipitate it.

but there is no while i can speculate all day and night i will not accuse.but you have to admit,it paints a disturbing picture when you look at the enormity of it all.
no one wants to admit that their own government assisted in the slaughter of thousands to push through a political agenda that included and illegal war and the theft of billions.
any way you cut it,there is something very wrong going on here.
i hope this inarticulate rant helped some rebuilder LOL.
till next time.

enoch (Member Profile)

rebuilder says...

Could you give me a pointer where that is detailed in the video? I'm not inclined to watch the entire thing right now and can't seem to find it, having skipped through a few times.

Anyhow, I'm not putting it past the US government to do some nasty shit, but this just doesn't make any sense for the reasons I've outlined before - which I notice you didn't comment on. As long as the supposed plot doesn't make any sense I'm going to require some pretty solid evidence before I believe it existed at all.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
here ya go rebuilder:
watch this.
it is a documentary (choggie's post ironically)which it details the construction of the towers.
specifically pay attention to the architects and engineers when they discuss how the towers will react to MULTIPLE plane crashes into the tower.

Edit: actually I meant to post this in the video comments, but I guess this is good too.

Enhanced South Tower Image W/Explanation

Mandtis says...

>> ^enoch:

here ya go rebuilder:
watch this.
it is a documentary (choggie's post ironically)which it details the construction of the towers.
specifically pay attention to the architects and engineers when they discuss how the towers will react to MULTIPLE plane crashes into the tower.
let me know when you are done so we can go over things like physics.

Yup, your physics must be correct, because a plane from the sixties has the exact same size, mass, speed, uses the same fuel, etc., than a plane from 40 years later.

The plane that crashed on the Empire State on 1945 also was the same, but on that one noone had planted bombs on the building, so it didn't go down.

Enhanced South Tower Image W/Explanation

enoch says...

>> ^rebuilder:
Seems to me this would be pretty much what you'd expect for a building with a largely glass facade. Glass panes are pretty fragile, so when such a building collapses, you'd expect the glass to fall apart quite uniformly on all sides, regardless of how uniform the destruction of the support structures was. Nothing will come through a solid structure until said structure is destroyed. A collapse would most definitely result in a drastic increase of pressure inside the building, forcing smoke and gases out wherever they can exit. Combine a downward cascade of bursting glass panes with a pressurized interior, and this is what you get. The expulsion of gases could only be asymmetric if the bursting of glass were, and that seems highly unlikely to be the case.
Beyond that, I don't see the logic of the Bush administration conspiring to blow up the towers in this manner. Two planes were itentionally crashed into the WTC. If they wanted an excuse to start a war, introduce PATRIOT act etc., that would be quite sufficient. There's little extra benefit to making sure the towers come all the way down, and plenty of risk. I don't buy the idea that the towers were rigged to blow.

here ya go rebuilder:
watch this.
it is a documentary (choggie's post ironically)which it details the construction of the towers.
specifically pay attention to the architects and engineers when they discuss how the towers will react to MULTIPLE plane crashes into the tower.
let me know when you are done so we can go over things like physics.
after that we shall move onto the fairly large archives of "false flag operations".

again ..i am not saying that this was a government job.
what i AM saying is that to reject any possibility of that being the case is just naive.
there is a very strong possibility.
history alludes to that fact over and over and over.

World's tallest building opening ceremony - The Burj Khalifa

poppajay says...

An amazing piece of architectural engineering, of course they're going to publicise the fact they've just built the tallest building in the world. Who wouldn't?

Obviously Smugg, you know nothing of the Palestinian problem to be making such an inane comment and so far as the Muslim responsibility for helping poorer Muslim made me think about all those lucky lucky Christian kids living in abject poverty in Mexican slums thinking about how lucky they are to be bordered by the great and benevolent Christian USA. (along with all the people living in American slums??) Stones and glass houses I think.

I don't personally agree with nor like the ostentatiousness of Dubai, in the same way I don't agree/like that of Vegas and Disneyworld. I also do not like self righteous American hypocrisy.

So the workers only got $6 p/day?? Who, the designers? the structural engineers? maybe the architects? I'm sure some of the workers were low paid but not all. I mean, it's not like the USA has ever made use of cheap immigrant labour is it. (and let's not talk about the use of SLAVE labour, it only lasted three hundred years after all.)

Demolition Fail

Payback says...

>> ^40_Minus_1:
Except, you know, THAT one.>> ^Payback:
I want to live in any building that architect designed.

That's what I mean, have you ever seen how much deconstruction they do on those buildings BEFORE the explosives go off? That thing was probably 100% quake proof.

Demolition Fail

Demolition Fail

WORD-(three spoken word shortfilms)

peggedbea says...

we have one here
just on the edge of town
with a fake rock facade, constructed in half a day with half as much thought
molded of prefab steel
designed by the minds at the architect battery farm

one used bookstore
filled, all 4500 sq feet of brand new primo commercial over priced real estate
built on top of old family land sold to the highest bidder after the urban sprawl sprawled so far south
on the edges of the midwest corridor super highway, slicing through the heartland
filled, with every book you've ever been told you must read
... to be considered well read
filled, with enough vampire mini series to keep a town like this piling into one of two movie theatres
filled, with minimum wage employees who may or may not have pink hair and a piece of cartilage pierced
filled, with the books you either did or did not get around to reading, most likely the latter
.... considering their fate
filled, with half priced books

a name which lost its meaning in a trademark, all rights reserved.

Mac Geek - Dag finally comes to his senses

TheFreak says...

>> ^Crosswords:
Working IT is always fun when it comes to this, cause all the mac people constantly brag about how awesome their macs are, then you get the call to come in and fix them. Half the time its one of those viruses Macs 'don't' get. I've discovered the best OS is the one with a user that doesn't operate it by rolling their face over the keyboard.

Yeah, got called to help out a couple years ago when some over-priveleged hack couldn't connect his Mac to the corporate network. So I was a fucking Systems Architect doing desktop support on a Mac in a Windows environment. Spent half an hour learning that I basically couldn't administer ANYTHING on that fucking POS. If it doesn't want to connect there's almost nothing you can do to figure out why! You're not allowed to see inside the black box that is Mac networking.

Mac is great if you're happy being told what you can do on your computer. What the "Cult of Mac"(tm) doesn't get is that their grasp of the digital world and what's possible is completely restricted to the experience the Apple engineers have designed for them. They have no idea how insignificant that experience is, they're just enthralled by the air of smugness that comes pre-packaged with their stylish piece of plastic.

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