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Are Star Trek and Star Wars Mutually Exclusive? (Geek Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

OK so I went through this as well.
Both my kids are certified Geek.

I started with super heroes and Star Wars but my kids went through all the phases from Transformers, to Mutant Turtles, X-men, Batman, Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, and Buffy and every possible direction.

What I found is you can't force one over the other. Expose kids to everything Geek and let them decide. When you see them heading into a certain direction, just go with it. If they see you are interested in it, then they will be too. There is always something new and geek right around the corner.

Today's kids have a wider range than we did, there is just too much out there. my kids are knowledgeable on most Multi-verses but every time I turn around there's something new - and sometimes it's them introducing it to me (Ben10, Naruto etc.) All you can be expected to do is put it in front of them and be involved.

My kids (now 11 & 15) constantly surprise me. My daughter can correct any of her male peers on the geek of Marvel Comics, Buffy, Dr Who, Dragonlance and so much more. She reads 4-5 new books a week and gets straight As in school for the last 5 years straight.

My son has gone through all the multi-verses (and loves them all.) He wears a Tick T-shirt, loves Big Bang Theory and understand every side-joke. Now he is the one introducing me to stuff. Books in his room include E=Mc2 and the complete biography of Einstine. Loves video games and can beat most of them over a weekend.

Don't hold back, throw it all at them and don't hold back.

Stay away from the ol'time evils: Tomas the train, Dora, Babar, Caillou, Disney's Cars and all that stuff.

Mr.Fisk no longer called mister. Hail the new King Fisk! (Terrible Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Took ya long enough, what with yer anti-social manner, hipster politics, and yer, Guevera-of-the-Apes pal here on yer six day 'n night...

Way to go, New-brass-key ~

How to fool a baboon?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'how to fool a baboon, fool, trick, baboon, ape, monkey, chimp, stuck, hole, capture, catch' to 'Animals Are Beautiful People, trick, baboon, monkey, stuck, hole, capture, catch, water' - edited by grinter

White Crazy Cat

Boy Tasered For Not Washing Cop's Car Sues -- TYT

direpickle says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

There have been a few people hatin' on TYT around here over the last few days.
And I see where you are coming from.
Even I am frequently irritated by Cenk's antics.
But, I believe that TYT serves an important--even necessary--function.
Do you think you'll see this story anywhere in the corporate media?
If you do see it, it will be buried on the lower half of the third page of the second section of your newspaper (a kind of old-timey, papery blog).
So, hate away if you want, I still like TYT for their commitment to real journalism.

By the time TYT puts anything up, I've usually read a story about it linked from Fark first, frequently from a local paper/TV/radio station, with less aping for the camera by Cenk.

Sometimes it's just Cenk reacting to a politician saying something outrageous, so it's usually a better use of your time to just search youtube for the clip in question instead of listening to him rant for twenty minutes about a thirty second soundbite that he never plays in its entirety.

QI - Why Can't We Walk In A Straight Line Blindfolded?

criticalthud says...

Because we're not quite that evolved. In the evolution of ape to man a lumbar curve had to be formed.
This process has not been necessarily smooth and there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that we are still well within it. The result is that our spines as a species have a tendency to distort. Balance is upset.


We learn to balance by linking it with sight and the ability to keep our eyes on the horizontal.
There are other ways to balance, but we don't practice those. We could certainly learn to do it through other sensory capacity.

Crow Becomes Part of the Family

Jinx says...

Smart bird. Ravens are pretty smart too, and Magpies passed the mirror test which is pretty odd really when you consider that the only other animals to pass it are apes, dolphins, killer whales and elephants.

Anyway, I'm jealous of their pet crow. I'm gonna start keeping my eye open for possible rescues

Contraception turns men... gay? Birth control fear mongering

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Lowen:

The point the video made was: we share a common ancestor with all monkeys, therefor we are monkeys. It's the same as; we share a common ancestor with all animals/vertebrates/mammals, therefor we are animals, vertebrates and mammals. So if chimpanzees all share a common ancestor with monkeys, then they are monkeys, even if they also share a common ancestor with apes and are therefor also apes.

I don't even know where to start with how wrong that is.

Contraception turns men... gay? Birth control fear mongering

Lowen says...

The point the video made was: we share a common ancestor with all monkeys, therefor we are monkeys. It's the same as; we share a common ancestor with all animals/vertebrates/mammals, therefor we are animals, vertebrates and mammals. So if chimpanzees all share a common ancestor with monkeys, then they are monkeys, even if they also share a common ancestor with apes and are therefor also apes.

>> ^Fusionaut:

Having a common ancestor does not mean they are the same. We share a common ancestor with all mammals yet we are not horses or pigs or dolphins or lions or platypuses et cetera...>> ^Lowen:
>> ^gargoyle:
Fact check -- chimpanzees are NOT monkeys.

persephone (Member Profile)

Kid is a Cup Stacking Champion - Amazing

chingalera says...

"I did not ever think I could get on the U.S.A. team.." Oh man, it's impressive and all but I'm seriously...What has and will become of all manner of diversion and aspiration to similar heights of greatness and achievement??? What does the fu-rni-ture hold for the hairless apes of the circle?

Imitating Monkey

Imitating Monkey

Stop The Planet Of The Apes. I Want To Get Off!

The Simpsons - Dr. Zaius [Planet Of the Apes]

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