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History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job

rembar says...

>> ^sorted:
mmm 'k... knee jerk much, jst jking...

If by knee-jerk you mean I have years of experience in such research, then yes, my knee is suddenly spasming and making me downvote bad videos. Oh, wait, that's not my knee. It's my brain.

History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job

rembar says...

This doesn't belong in Science, because it only briefly covers anthrax biologically and even then does it poorly.

And I downvoted because, from a personal standpoint, this is a horrible mistreatment of a subject that requires a much greater in-depth analysis and a much stronger knowledge of the actual events and the nature of anthrax than the History Channel has, can or likely ever will put forth. Whether the conclusions are likely correct or not, this clip is still bad.

The 50 Most Loathsome People of 2007 (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

choggie says...

I see people everyday from Dumfuckistan.....The ones from the Capital, Huskhaven seem to be the most influential-Nancy's from there-

This one was rich: Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid-Sentence: 2 cups anthrax bisque. "The Neville Chamberlain school of appeasement" HAHA!

Maz Jobrani on The Late Late Show

Gulf War Syndrome-Killing Our Own (Trailer)

9552 says...

Learn About Depleted Uranium From
The US Army's Expert on Depleted Uranium (DU)
Doug Rokke, a Vietnam and Gulf War I Veteran and the Army's expert on depleted uranium


"When the anthrax vaccine got into the theater*, we had a direct order not to record dose, batch, who got what, what the adverse effects and everything was. This stuff wasn't temperature-regulated. And people were getting sick right away. I administered thousands of anthrax vaccines, and got three myself." - Major Dr. Doug Rokke, Army medical officer - retired

Totalitarianism In America: Vaccinate or Go To Jail

Constitutional_Patriot says...

"because smallpox was eradicated by a vaccine."

If you think smallpox has been completely eradicated, think again...

"In Joe Esposito's lab, at the Centers for Disease Control, there was a test going of a biosensor device for detecting smallpox. It was a machine in a black suitcase. It could detect a bioweapon using; the process called the polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R. -- the same kind of molecular fingerprinting that police use to identify the DNA of a crime suspect. The suitcase thing was called a Cepheid Briefcase Smart Cycler, and it had been co-invented by M. Allen Northrup, a biomedical engineer who founded a company to make and sell biosensors. He was there, along with a cluster of other scientists.

Esposito, the official guardian of one half of the world's official supply of smallpox, handed a box of tubes to a scientist in the room. Two of the tubes contained the whole DNA of smallpox virus but not live smallpox. The DNA drifted in a drop of water; it was the Rahima strain. Two other tubes contained anthrax. The samples were snapped into slots in the machine.

Northrup turned his attention to a laptop computer that nestled in the machine. Northrup is a chunky man with a mustache and reddish-brown hair. He tapped on the keys.

We waited around, chatting. Meanwhile, the Cepheid was working silently. It showed colored lines on its screen. In fifteen minutes, the anthrax lines started going straight up, and someone said, "The anthrax is screaming." Finally, one of the smallpox lines crept upward, slowly. "That's a positive for smallpox, not so bad," a scientist said. Emergency-response teams could carry a Cepheid suitcase to the scene of a bioterror event and begin testing people immediately for anthrax or smallpox. The machine is priced at sixty thousand dollars.

Afterward, Joe Esposito went around collecting the used tubes. The smallpox-sample holder -- a plastic thing the size of a thumbnail-had been left on a counter. I picked it up.

Esposito wasn't about to let anyone walk off with smallpox. "Leave me that tube," he said. "You are not allowed to have more than twenty per cent of the DNA."

Before I handed it to him, I glanced at a little window in the tube. When I held it up to the light, the liquid looked like clear water. The water contained the whole molecules of life from variola, a parasite that had colonized us thousands of years ago. We had almost freed ourselves of it, but we found we had developed a strong affinity for smallpox. Some of us had made it into a weapon, and now we couldn't get rid of it. I wondered if we ever would, for the story of our entanglement with smallpox is not yet ended."

It might return sooner than you think thanks to bio-weaponized technology... also a few cases have popped up since 1977.

Read this full article at:

I found this from a link on the website while searching smallpox.

Source: Hardcopy The New Yorker, July 12, 1999, pp. 44-61. Thanks to Richard Preston

Washing machine cat is not amused.

Early U.S Rocket Launches - Successes and Failures

8578 says...

space exploration efforts? lol@the brainwashing ! so when the Iranians build rockets it's to deliver nukes and anthrax, when the yanks build rockets it's for peaceful space exploration. ffs...

Fox and Friends call for havoc in Iran

gwiz665 says...

Let's just give them a nuke. Like the American government, I can't imagine any form of "blowback" coming from that... Hell, give them some anthrax too, they love that stuff. And what's the policy on poison gas? Can we get them some of that too?

History certainly dosn't teach us anything about arming insurgency groups, no siry.

Hurry Up & Slow Down! "Got The Time" by Joe Jackson 1979

James Randi explains Homeopathy

farcrafter says...

Remember that homeopathy has little to no relation with herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is things like arnica and willow bark that have all been turned into pharmaceuticals. Willow bark has the same active ingredient as Aspirin, Foxglove as Lanoxin, Poppy as Codeine, Valerian root as Valium, etc. The pharmaceuticals are refined and have controlled dosages, but are not necessarily better and may miss other balancing ingredients found in the natural source. Homeopathy is as described in the video. To cure anthrax, take some anthrax and mix it with enough water to fill the solar system. And you thought bottled water was a scam. So this video is in no way debunking arnica or other herbal remedies.

I do not know, but from the video I gather that homeopathy started in europe. The church stopped anything that actually worked, so they had to resort to things like this. Herbal medicine comes from everywhere else. In europe you were burned as a witch for practicing herbal medicine.


bizinichi says...

you might want to impeach cheney first though

take action:
The one click form on this page will send your personal message to all your members of Congress, with your vote on the the question "Should Vice President Cheney be impeached?"


Lying to congress and the American people:
* Lie #1 - Uranium from Niger - Bush said "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." in his State of the Union Address. The documents supporting that statement were forged.
* Lie #2 - Iraq and 9/11 - Bush led people to believe that Iraq was involved with 9/11 by repeatedly linking them in his speeches. This was so effective that at one point 70% of Americans actually believed Saddam was behind 9/11. Bush has since admitted that this was not true.
* Lie #3 - Congress Knew - Bush has stated that Congress had access to all the same information that the White House had. Thus he should not be blamed for making the mistake of going to war. But Bush was briefed many times about the falsehood of various stories and this information never reached Congress. [ZNet]
* Lie #4 - Aluminum Tubes - Bush, Cheney, Rice and Powell said that some aluminum tubes Iraq attempted to buy were intended for use in a uranium centrifuge to create nuclear weapons. These were the only physical evidence he had against Iraq. But it turns out this evidence had been rejected by the Department of Energy and other intelligence agencies long before Bush used them in his speeches. [NYTimes] [MotherJones] [CNN]
* Lie #5 - Iraq and Al Qaeda - Bush still insists that there was a "relationship" between Iraq and Al Qaeda. But the 9/11 Commission released a report saying, among other things, that there was no "collaborative relationship" between Al Qaeda and Iraq. The nature of the relationship seems to be that Al Qaeda asked for help and Iraq refused. Al Qaeda was opposed to Saddam Hussein because Saddam led a secular government instead of an Islamic government. [ZNet] [CNN] On 9/8/06 a Senate panel reported there was no relationship. [ABC]
* Lie #6 - Weapons of Mass Destruction - Bush insisted that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction but his "evidence" consisted mostly of forged documents, plagiarized student papers, and vague satellite photos. The United Nations was on the ground in Iraq and could find nothing. After extensive searches Bush was finally forced to admit that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.
* Lie #7 - Mobile Weapons Labs - Bush and his team repeatedly claimed that Iraq possessed mobile weapons labs capable of producing anthrax. Colin Powell showed diagrams of them at his speech before the UN to justify invading Iraq. These claims originated from Curveball, a discredited Iraqi informer who fed Bush many of the stories related to WMD. On May 29, 2003, two small trailers matching the description were found in Iraq. A team of bio-weapons experts examined the trailers and concluded they were simply designed to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. But, for over a year, Bush claimed these were part of Iraq's bio-weapons program. The expert's report was suppressed and only recently made public. [WashPost] [ABC]

UCLA student tasered by campus police

Farhad2000 says...

It's funny that Seeknowsage went on a down vote rampage on my queued videos because I offered a differing opinion from the norm. That's childish mate.

First of all don't go comparing Tiananmen Square, where students protested an oppressive Communist regime and were shot at indiscriminately by government forces to a student who refused to leave the premises because he did not have his IDentification in America's paranoid post 9/11 world of Terror watch.

Second of all, I said this was excessive use of force, in terms of the equipment used Tasers are used because they are cheap and don't require extensive training. While I agree with rembar that joint locks would be great, that would require time and training on Jack Bauer levels something I don't think there is funding or initiative for.

Third, it's easy to scream and shout about all these abuses but it's funny how no one ever screams and shouts about how the authority to carry out these actions never garner the same attention. Yeah am talking Patriot Act, Patriot Act II, Heabus Corpus, NSA tapping, CIA prisons and Guantanamo Bay. America has been pushed to the brink of paranoia, I was baffled at the coverage Fox News, CBS, NBC, all of them offered in terms of news event - just pure fear mongering... I mean Killer Africanized Bees, Blades in Apples, Anthrax, Yellow/Pink/Blue alert... Sheesh...

Korean rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody (rive performance)

messenger says...

I was rolling on the floor when it got to "I see a ritter sireretto ub a man" part. After "Sundah boat an rightning, berry berry fighting" it was all over for meeeeee, for me.

But seriously, this was an amazing performance. I was especially impressed with the singer's awesome metal voice at the end. He sounds like Joey Belladonna from Anthrax, "So you think you can lub me and reeb me to die." Woah. Baby.

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