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Trump publicly blows his cover for national emergency

newtboy says...

Embedded swamp Trump. Yes, that sounds right.
Trump and his people have all been guilty of what he called swamp behavior to an extreme never seen in America, so many removed for abuse of office and theft, most while being praised by Trump. He didn't remove any for their crimes, he's only removed people for not properly kissing his ass and repeating his lies. Those removed for criminal malfeasance were often removed against his wishes and with his praise.

These are his people...the "individuates" he chose and hired. I agree he did the right thing firing most of those he did fire, but absolutely the wrong thing when he hired them and the wrong thing again with those he replaced them with who are usually worse....and worst of all he didn't remove the swamp monster in chief, you know, the one pumping stagnant feculant water into Washington by the metric ton.

No Bob, many were treasonous crimes, all were intentional crimes of moral turpitude. Hiding tens of millions paid to you by Russia and testifying you have no ties to them, that's not a process crime as you pretend, and was happening during and after his campaign and 100% for Trump's benefit.
Flynn, you can't trap someone who isn't committing a crime. They only trapped him into lying under oath about the crime he had already committed for Trump and at Trump's direction....subversion....when they already had proof he had done it. Duh.

How many of Trump's "best people" are convicted of being unreported foreign agents? How many in Obama's administration were?

Please stop spouting moronic lies, Dimitri, and give us back the Bob that knows English, please. When you start spouting clear insanity like this paired with losing your grasp of what you claim is your native language, we know another agent is posting as "Bob" today, and he's the one who's like an angry 6 year old trying to make political arguments with no knowledge whatsoever besides which party the players belong to.

bobknight33 said:

With all the leaking going and embedded swamp Trump in his administration Trump had done the right thing to fire/remove those individuates.

WRT Muller investigation. most process crimes and crimes that occurred before Trump or unrelated to Trump run for POTUS.

WRT to Michael Flynn,-- pure set up to entrap Flynn.

BSR (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Excuse me?
It probably sounds like I'm angry because of the subject matter I'm dealing with, but we wouldn't watch the film's of we didn't enjoy them overall. I bring it up because of is something I don't like, but I think you're wrong about this and your idea more generally.

It's not always the hero being tortured. As I point out with wreck it Ralph and Finding Nemo. So am I to believe that they want kids to identify with (in those cases) killing another character as an acceptable possibility to get one's way?

president trump announces a new and better national anthem

Drachen_Jager says...

You're wrong.
@bobknight33 is not a Russian Troll.

Unless that troll has severe mood swings or something.

It seems more like multiple trolls are using the account. I remember a time when he could spell most words in English correctly, for instance. His arguments were much angrier then too. Now he's more laid back about it. He doesn't seem like he's angry, just that he's got a job to do, but at the same time the spelling and some of the grammar went down hill.

newtboy said:

11 years of trying fact, reason, logic, religion, history......all to no avail, and seeing his positions consistently change based on who we are discussing (e.g.. the debt under Obama was 100% Obama's fault, was a disgrace we shouldn't tolerate and should run him out of office for, but under Trump doubling or tripling the deficit, raising spending and cutting taxes, doesn't matter a whit and is somehow Obama's fault).
I'm prepared to take the <1% chance that I'm wrong and say "yes", he is a Russian agent....I'm just not 100% certain he knows it. I am 100% certain he wouldn't admit it if he did.

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...

The Christian right wing kids left the March against choice unchaperoned and decided to be morons and intimidate this small group.
Edit: New videos show both groups were antagonize by a group of black Israelites first, not that it excuses the kids.

The articles I've read said the native group was performing a closing ceremony when the kids approached them. The leader tried to retreat to protect his group when the smirking kid and others stood in his way while the rest mocked him with derisive Indian noises, insults, derisive laughter, screams, and Trump slogans.

No surprise you defend this, they wore the right that, so must be the good guys.
Fortunately most others aren't so deluded.
At the least, they represented their school and town so disastrously and publicly that there will be some consequences, but because they certainly learned to be disrespectful douche bags from their parents, those consequences will likely be minor.

And no, spitting is not Ok, show me who said it was, please.

Meeting a loud crowd of angry Neo-Nazis with a larger and louder crowd of angry anti nazis is totally appropriate. Driving a car full speed into that counter crowd from behind is not appropriate....sad I think I need to say that but I do.
Surrounding an elderly veteran who's leading a performance of a closing native ceremony and derisively mocking him and his culture, well, you think that's ok's not, and it's decidedly unChristian (in theory, it's very Christian as practiced).

Yes, forming in a circle around him to interrupt his ceremony and intimidate an elderly man and small group by smirking in his face and chanting "hi-ya-hi-ya-hi-ya" while tomahawk chopping and holding up an "L" on their foreheads is berating, and is volatile. Trump asked for people doing <1% of that to be beaten before being arrested, and many were. Fuck, Bob. Try to be just a little rational and not so biased you completely lose touch with reality. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

The kids were there for "March For Life" and the Natives were there for the "Indigenous People's March."

AS usual media spins this as something it is not.. Guess why they are call FAKE NEWS.

The Native Man walked into this and he was un harmed. Not berated, not spin on. no volatility against this man.

If it were ANTFA group facing down a MEGA hat wearing dude ALL IS OK even if ANTFI spits and intimidates MAGA to leave.

Grow up Sifters.

Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb

vil says...

Too many people seem to be doing the stealing in an anonymous setting for this approach to work other than as entertainment. Maybe this could work for your office lunch box. Not worth it for ordinary people to go after possibly armed criminals for a stolen package, even if angry.

Emotional Wedding Haka

Why Louisiana Stays Poor

Honest Government Ad | Visit West Papua!

Rape charge dropped against USC student after video surfaces

newtboy says...

He had been drinking.
She initiated the contact.
She pulled him along and took him home for sex.
So she raped him.
Where are the angry anti rapists chanting "lock her up, lock her up, lock her up."

It's disgusting the ridiculous double standards we put on issues like this in the name of equality. Outrage at the story that he took a drunk girl home for sex, totally dismissive when it turns out that she actually did what he was accused of.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

No. That's not the issue.
The issue is that when you are to the right of Goebbels, everything looks liberal and honest truth looks like a partisan attack. The right has not just run far right, they put on rocket shoes with wheels and warped right. What was considered a hard right position 20 years ago is now called hyper liberal by your ilk.
There is no excuse for the garbage "reporting" going Fox, OAN, and Info Wars. None. It's not really reporting when you make up 90% and use each other as sources.

Kavanaugh was treated like a prince compared to Garland, a centrist judge confirmed unanimously by republicans before they lost their minds and souls to become the party of "Fuck you".
Fusion thing? You mean his crappy dietary supplements that he claims could make you the Adonis that Jones himself is? Um...yeah, that's obviously and undeniably a pack of lies concocted by Alex Jones. Duh.

Again, you choose to conflate imperfection on the left with inhumanity and consistent dishonesty and fraud from the top leadership on the right.
Obama did better stopping undocumented migrants out than Trump has without dehumanizing them or calling them murderers and rapists in obvious racist ploys to get his racist base excited, but you certainly disagree because and are certain Trump has done more because Trump calls them rapists and murderers, and implies that any middle eastern is a terrorist (but not angry white guys with guns and mail bombs, those are good people).

There may be more than enough scum to go around, but one side is nothing but lying fraudulent scumbags now, and it's not the left. Trump is a convicted fraud who defrauded poor students (and charities, and anyone he ever did business with) and is 100% incapable of being truthful even when his words are written for him, and the dishonesty seeped through the party like Ebola, leaving none uninfected. You look at 2 children, one with some mud on its face, the other slathered head to toe like a golem, and you say they're both dirty, plenty of mud on both sides. *facepalm

Briguy1960 said:

It has nothing to do with what I personally like.
This is the issue here.
You despise Trump and so does the liberal dominated media so they gloss over shit the Left do and come down harder on Trump etc.
There is no excuse for the garbage reporting going on.
I suppose you think Kavanaugh was treated fairly too.
The Fusion thing is all just a pack of lies concocted by Alex Jones etc too right?
Blatant showboating about how cruel Trump is when it has been proven time and time again the Democrats held the same views and would never let caravans in...
Funny how things are viewed when you are a religious fanatic as the left is becoming in their
rage against all things Trump and GOP.
Keep looking at things through rose colored glasses my friend.
There is plenty of scum to go around on both sides.

#WalkAway March - Stacey Dash

newtboy says...

Lol. Suggesting people should walk away towards civility?! But she's pro Trump, the least civil politician in living memory?! *facepalm
And in the next sentence she invites all non republicans to a gun fight? Because, civility. *facepalm
And then again, "You're not going to bully us...... and we have the guns. *Cackle* So cowboy up." (Meaning use those guns to bully some liberals, boys)
The lack of self awareness is appalling.
She doesn't seem to even know that she's their token angry black supporter, to be discarded the moment she fails to tow the party line with proper zeal....ask Amorosa.


Payback says...

I feel angry about the British people placing their poor little babies up on poles during air raids. It's not like they could sample and playback in the 40s.

Dad adopts four kids, gives them childhood he never had

StukaFox says...

Everything today seems so wrong and rotten and broken and disgusting and angry and hateful.

Then you see an act of kindness like this and for one beautiful moment, you can make yourself believe that everything is going to be ok after all.

Historically Bizarre US Open 2018 Highlights

newtboy says...

I think that ref just ended his career. He'll never ref another professional women's tennis match if the players have any say, and his private life will also change now, he should expect angry Serena fans to ruin any public activity he participates in for the foreseeable future.

Doctors Urge Americans: GO VEGAN!

ChaosEngine says...

I’ve just finished reading The Angry Chef. I highly recommend it as a no nonsense, science-based guide to debunking fad diets.

I’m not sure I agree with everything written, but it’s nice to read a book that talks about enjoying food (even “bad” food) instead of punishing people for their choices.

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