What should we do concerning a *financial channel?

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A total of 59 votes have been cast on this poll.

6. Who cares (abstain)
dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm glad you brought up financial, I think it's much better than "business" or "money" that were discussed earlier. It lends itself to "in context invocations" as in:

The *financial implications of this are ginormous.

joedirt says...

LOL.. what a fail poll.

If *financial a great idea or the greatest.

What kind of coward doesn't include the option for STFU with you brilliant idea which you think is so brilliant that no one cares.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^Are y>> ^joedirt:
LOL.. what a fail poll.
If financial a great idea or the greatest.
What kind of coward doesn't include the option for STFU with you brilliant idea which you think is so brilliant that no one cares.

I'm just going to preserve this exquisite comment in time for all to see before the glue and painkillers wear off.

I haven't seen you around here since blankfist publicly humiliated you so thoroughly last month. Nice how you've adopted his beat down as your new avatar. He'll be proud to see how you've internalized all that shame. You certainly are a glutton for punishment. To each his own though, I guess.

Eklek says...

As I stated here
business would cover both trade and finance..finance is one aspect of economy.

"This channel highlights videos dealing with trade and finance, economic research and business practice."

I'd prefer a general name, just as politics, not a special channel dealing with finance only. The current economic crisis does not concern only finance but goes beyond..

rottenseed says...

>> ^joedirt:
LOL.. what a fail poll.
If financial a great idea or the greatest.
What kind of coward doesn't include the option for STFU with you brilliant idea which you think is so brilliant that no one cares.

It looks like "troll" is in this season. What the heck, joe, what's the deal these days?

blankfist says...

Personally, I think this is a channel for a new diamond to create. I dislike the idea of those of us already with channels being given more channels. There will surely be a fresh diamond who wants this channel.

My two cents.

joedirt says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^I haven't seen you around here since blankfist publicly humiliated you so thoroughly last month. Nice how you've adopted his beat down as your new avatar.

That gave me a good laugh. I must have missed a public humiliation. It's like whenever you or blankfist try out your internet tough guy routine, I don't think you realize how dumb you appear.

You seriously think 'The Legion of Douche' was an awesome display of beat down?

But, yes you are the king of fail, so yes, let's incorporate another brilliant idea like 'books'. We need more useless channels. Maybe we can have a channel where we tag ever single video that ever had money in it!!!

bluecliff says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Make it a channel, but make it like a playlist, give it to NetRunner, Dystopian and Me. Then we can sift liberal communist propaganda all day.
No Austrians allowed.

I actually think the history channel should be remade in the same way. Make some sort of interactive timeline for historic videos - the moon landing, presidential speeches, iconic (sic) music performances etc.

Make easily understandable categories for types of historical material - documentaries vs. actual footage.

Very useful and very neat.

I have no idea how in actuality this could be done nor does it in fact have any bearing on the financial channel.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^Great idea. It would be nice to be able to sort all channel videos by date, especially history, cinema and music. I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to do, just add a date info box on the submission screen and then give an option to have sifty sort them by date.

NetRunner says...

I like *market better than *finance. Finance is a particular industry within the economy, but the whole series of videos about the auto bailout and associated pro- and anti-union commentary would seem weird being in *finance.

I'm not so sure channels really need a person owning them so much as a clear description of what should and should not go there.

For example, Politics does just fine without anyone running it at all. If anything, I find the problem with politics is that people don't include it when it applies.

Yes, I voted "Whatever, just make the freakin' thing already."

guessandcheck says...

>> ^joedirt:
LOL.. what a fail poll.
If financial a great idea or the greatest.
What kind of coward doesn't include the option for STFU with you brilliant idea which you think is so brilliant that no one cares.

I was just wondering who would take up the reigns of douchery. Congrats on the new position. Just wondering where your STFU option is. If you've been paying any attention at all you'd know there is a demand for the channel. Cry all you want about the number of channels, *finance would probably be one of the most used channels here for the foreseeable future.

joedirt says...

>> ^guessandcheck:
I was just wondering who would take up the reigns of douchery. Congrats on the new position. Just wondering where your STFU option is. If you've been paying any attention at all you'd know there is a demand for the channel. Cry all you want about the number of channels, finance would probably be one of the most used channels here for the foreseeable future.

I never said not to make a channel, I just think it is cowardly to not include that option in a poll to see if there is interest. I'm not sure why people just don't start with a playlist. I know for a fact that there will only be a dozen or so actual financial videos. (Unless you are throwing in depression cooking videos, etc).

What will happen is that *money will be about anything involving the cost or exchange of any money. It will be the like book tag and run amok.

Regarding my douchbaggery, you actually think it's a new position... Technically I am only classified as a henchmen in the League of Douche, so you'll have to go after the mastermind.

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^imstellar28:
its the 21st century we should have the technology to differentiate between eco and economics

I agree.

It's just unbelievable that we have to mislabel an entire channels content because of URL differences.

We could eliminate Eco, rename it Sustainability and invocate all old Eco videos into Sustainability. Though that is heavy handed.

Krupo says...

>> ^calvados:
What about economics ?

No go, we have the *ecology channel already. .... but then:

>> ^Farhad2000:
>> ^imstellar28:
its the 21st century we should have the technology to differentiate between eco and economics

I agree.
It's just unbelievable that we have to mislabel an entire channels content because of URL differences.
We could eliminate Eco, rename it Sustainability and invocate all old Eco videos into Sustainability. Though that is heavy handed.


Just like the Austrians would do.

If they were running Germany.

>> ^joedirt:
>> ^guessandcheck:
I was just wondering who would take up the reigns of douchery. Congrats on the new position. Just wondering where your STFU option is. If you've been paying any attention at all you'd know there is a demand for the channel. Cry all you want about the number of channels, finance would probably be one of the most used channels here for the foreseeable future.

I never said not to make a channel, I just think it is cowardly to not include that option in a poll to see if there is interest. I'm not sure why people just don't start with a playlist. I know for a fact that there will only be a dozen or so actual financial videos. (Unless you are throwing in depression cooking videos, etc).

"Let someone else create it" is that option. Sorry that "nuke it I hate your poll" isn't how it's phrased, but in your mind, pretend that's what the letters mean.

J-Rova says...

*scrilla, *fetti, *paypa, *chips, *chippaz, *tokens, *duckets, *scratch, *grip, *jack, *flow, *stacks, *ends, *C-notes, *hunnids, *G's, *cheese, *cheddar, *bread, *cake, *dough, *bankroll, *loot, *funds, *change, *jangles...

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