What do you think about this idea for the Sift Lounge??? ((see description))

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A total of 27 votes have been cast on this poll.

_____In discussions with Gwiz today I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the Sift Lounge wasn't sucked into a black hole caused by the Large Hadron Collider as I previously thought. The button simply went missing and I missed the memo. I ventured a guess at the cause of the lounge gone missing since well...people didn't really go there often. It was (is) a bit slow and unreliable (and you frequently have to refresh the whole page to avoid "locking").

_____Still I missed it a bit. It's nice to be able to chat with fellow sifters and have a place to shamelessly promote turtles having sex slowly and the like. But I digress, let me cut to the chase. I have an interesting idea for revitalizing the sift lounge. Remember that show on VH1 called "Pop Up Video"?? If you don't I've posted an example of "Smooth Criminal" below.

_____I imagined a stream of videos, playing one at a time with others waiting in a queue, that looked similar to Pop Up Videos. The big difference here would of course be that sifters would be supplying the "Pop Ups." If we played the top 15 videos in a loop for 24 hours perhaps people could upvote "pop ups" and the higher ranked pops would take priority in a specific time slot in the video. The details are still a bit fuzzy but I would love some input before I rush off to the copyright office and start my own video site *cough, or i can take 10% of the profits, cough*

_____Let me know what you think in the comments and via the votes. And for those of you who dont know what a Pop Up Video is I've provided one below:

Fletch says...

It could be a fun Videosift area, but I wouldn't want it as a SiftLounge replacement. Also, Pop-up videos had lots of pop-up facts and little-knowns about artist, group, song, etc. This sounds more like it would be a stream of smarmisms and one-liners, with some Sifti-Wiki "facts" thrown in here and there. Maybe something along the lines of Siftery Science Theatre 3000 would be a more apt description of what yer talking about (???)

JiggaJonson says...

Ok, in the midst of my brainstorming i've come across something that seems a bit more do-able. this is some kind of weird spoof of pop up video done simply with a marquee running across the screen. It's obviously not done professionally and some of the bits, despite being quips, are pretty funny:

dotdude says...

JesterChat is still up:

and so is the Election 2008 Chat:

Each channel has a BLANK FIELD for embedding a WIDGET. So more channels are able to accomodate meebo chatrooms if desired.

There is also the possibility of having general chatroom through meebo - in case folks want a place until the new upgrade.

Meebo's chatrooms are public. Non sifters would have access - that is unless a PASSWORD is in place.

Farhad2000 says...

Agreed with Ryjkyj.

This needs so much coding say in AS3, with Flash assets with a PHP backend I guess? Fuck not even considering pulling and rencoding vids in a controlled timeline that is easy for users to put data in, sizing issues? error checking? What's the character limit? Stop and play vids? How do you update it with new content? and then there is testing etc etc

It's not even worth it unless invested in, even then returns ain't there. In the end you would probably end up with something like those overly video commented videos on Youtube.

>> ^Ryjkyj:

Jigga, you just put together all the code and make it work. I'll totally support it.

Sagemind says...

Oh no! - You can't trick me into watching a Mandy Moore Video... You almost got me but I caught on quickly... Evil Lurks around every corner and I am forever vigilant!! Mwaaaahahahaha....
>> ^JiggaJonson:

Ok, in the midst of my brainstorming i've come across something that seems a bit more do-able. this is some kind of weird spoof of pop up video done simply with a marquee running across the screen. It's obviously not done professionally and some of the bits, despite being quips, are pretty funny:

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