What are your political leanings?

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A total of 32 votes have been cast on this poll.

Let the people stand and be counted!

These are very broad groups, but there were only five choices possible. I grouped them the best I could.
NetRunner says...

I fully expect the "Social Democracy" option to be changed to "National Socialist" fairly soon.

Honestly, I think there's nothing about what I believe that's inconsistent with Constitutionalism, Republicanism, the historical roots of classical liberalism, or voluntarism, though I tend to disagree with the conclusions of people who choose to identify themselves by those labels.

Oh, and of course, I'm a Progressive.

blankfist says...

>> ^NetRunner:
Honestly, I think there's nothing about what I believe that's inconsistent with Constitutionalism, Republicanism, the historical roots of classical liberalism, or voluntarism, though I tend to disagree with the conclusions of people who choose to identify themselves by those labels.

I'd disagree with that. You are a Progressive through and through, and very little to nothing like the other factions. Most Constitutionalists want to follow the document to the letter and don't think of it as a "living document". This is why they're classified as "conservatives", because they want to conserve the document and take it literally. That's not you, right?

Classic liberals disagree with you pretty much on everything except your stance on civil liberties... and I'm pretty sure you're against the divine rights of kings. Though Classic Liberalism was built on the ideas of individualism and gaining the consent of the government* governed, and you'd probably lean more toward the idea of collectivism through democracy and consent of the majority.

I won't even touch on Voluntarism. You know you ain't that, mothatrucka. Stop lying, playa.


NetRunner says...

@blankfist, I think you're mistaking Constitutionalism and Originalism. Constitutionalism is a little more general. Basically, it's just the belief that governments derive their power from a contract with the governed, and should be bound to that contract.

I agree with that assertion.

Modern day people who tout themselves as classical liberals aren't really classical liberals, they're libertarians who want to engage in the revisionist idea that the founding fathers were libertarians.

Even if you go by the libertarian definition, all that means is that you believe in property rights, civil liberties, individual freedom, equality under the law, limited government, and free markets. There's nothing there I don't support, I just don't define "free market" to mean "without regulation of any kind" nor property rights to mean that no man can be taxed. I more mean it in the sense that it's a market economy with decentralized and open decision making (like we have today), as opposed to centrally planned (like they had in Mother Russia in the good old days).

As for voluntarism, I think as a constitutionalist that all government is done in accordance to a consensual social contract with the governed. Meaning, no one forces you to live here, and unless you are wanted for arrest, you're free to leave at any time, and rescind your citizenship. However, unless you do those things, you're expected to hold up your end of the bargain by obeying laws and paying taxes, and the government needs to hold up its end of the bargain by defending your civil rights, common defense, and promoting the general welfare.

Like I said, I don't think anything I believe is incompatible with those words. It's the people who consider themselves adherents of those -isms who really just have an overall "conservative" philosophy that isn't about the Constitution, Voluntary associations, or what Jeffersonian/Jacksonian liberals believed. Instead, it's just a group of people who want to pervert all of the above arguments to mean that there's an overt, longstanding prohibition against elements of social democracy like a welfare state, policies aimed at reducing economic inequality, and (oddly) against laws aimed at conserving the environment.

They're wrong, of course.

The group of people who self-identify as a "classical liberal" as opposed to "constitutionalist" as opposed to "Voluntarist" as opposed to "RNC hack", only really differ in the kind of bogus arguments they most like to use against progressives.

blankfist says...

The Non-violent, Classic Liberalism, Voluntarist variety!!!! They're also noninterventionism! And pro-individual-liberty! Progressive is basically pro-corporatist neo-liberal as much as Conservative is pro-corporatist neo-conservative.
>> ^marinara:

which one is anti-neoliberal and anti globalism

peggedbea says...

you left out the pacifist, feminist, social anarchist variety.
therefore, i find this poll sexist, classist and thereby oppressive.

the entanglement of lanuage used to describe political leanings is too much. to the point of near meaninglessness.
it's like musical genres, with all the subgenres and subgenres of those subgenres and then when genres mix. it's too much language. language is a useful tool but in the case of modern political discussion, i find it serves as a divisive force.

like just reading the words on the poll alone, i already wanna fight with that voluntarist guy and the national corportatist guy. why? because of the language used to describe his world view.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

You could simplify it to social/financial outlooks.

Communist - Socially Right, Financially Left
Liberal/Left leaning Libertarians - Socially Left, Financially Left
Conservative - Socially Right, Financially Right
Free Market/Right leaning Libertarians - Socially Left, Financially Right
Fascist - Socially Right, Financially Right

enoch says...

im with the pegster.
where the fuck is anarchist?
what? you dont think thats a relevant political philosophy?
i say..
deliver me from swedish furniture.
i say..
deliver me from clever art.
i say..
fucking bring the whole rotting bag of puss down brick by blood soaked brick.
and then lets have all those clever thieves who call themselves "financiers" work in one of those factories they financed in indonesia for 27 cents a day while their wives do tricks for a dollar for greasy foreign businessmen.
that every time an elected official gets caught with hands in the cookie jar voting legislation at the behest of some corporation or conglomerate both he and the CEO of said company lose a finger.
they only get ten times to get caught.
i could go on forever..
but fuck em..
fuck em all.

blankfist says...

@enoch. Depends on the type of anarchist, I suppose. All of these factions get annoyingly tedious. Also, I only had five choices max in the poll. I know a lot of anarchists that fit into the voluntarist bucket, while others fall closer to the Marxist bucket, though it's not a perfect fit. None fall into progressive or constitutionalist.

I like anarchists. They're anti-state. Nothing wrong with that in my book.

geo321 says...

@blankfist It's hard to put ideologies into nifty compartments. But their is a long history of social democratic anarchists. Like Howard Zinn and 70's feminist movement. Emma Goldman might have been more of your type, and peggedbea's for that matter as the true pioneer for non-interference in women's right's for self determination.

Crosswords says...

Where is the option for collectivist robotic dictator progressives? Or Star Trekivist, where everyone magically strives towards being the best person they can and holds themselves to a stringent work and moral ethic?

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

The Non-violent, Classic Liberalism, Voluntarist variety!!!! They're also noninterventionism! And pro-individual-liberty! Progressive is basically pro-corporatist neo-liberal as much as Conservative is pro-corporatist neo-conservative.
>> ^marinara:
which one is anti-neoliberal and anti globalism

Wait, refresher, neoliberalism is an economic doctrine centered on reducing the influence of the state. To be anti-neoliberal is to be against reducing the influence of the state on the economy.

Not that you are ever going to start actually recognizing what progressivism really is, but it's not only anti-corporatist, it's also the only political movement that has any success under its belt in reducing corporate oppression, and the only political movement putting any kind of effort into campaign finance reform.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

We are a community-nation founded on Social Democratic values- it's enshrined in the Guidelines by the founding Siftbot.

You Maoists and Volunteerists are lucky we're so tolerant to let you practice your philosophies.

Darwin, Dawkins and Obama bless VideoSift- non-believers GTFO.

Sagemind says...

I’m just not about politics.

I don’t want anyone to tell me what I can and can’t do.
I also don’t think it’s anyone’s place to tell someone what they can and can’t do.
A democracy as well as communism tells others what they can and cannot do.

-I am liberal in my ideas. I allow everyone to be what and who they are.
-I am conservative because I choose a simple low-key lifestyle.
-I am democratic only because I have to be to get along with others publicly so as not to step on their rights and privileges.
-I am communist because I dictate what I want and feel I deserve it to be that way.
-I am anti-government because of their need to suck us dry and spend our money ravenously.
-I am for government because they help to establish roads and provide a police force to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
-I am anti-military because in my world, we should never have need for one.
-I am scientific in my thinking and believe the best way to do things is what ever works best and most efficiently.
-I do not believe in worship.
-I do not believe in hierarchies, I never put one person above the next.
-I believe we all have the right to our own personal mythologies
-I am an anarchist because I think we should be left with our own devices unless we require more.
-I am anti-law because the laws that are in effect are not there to protect society as a whole. Law and lawyers cater to interest groups.
-I am against big business which only answers to its monetary share-holders.
-I am against public owned companies, which do not have to comply with community values, yet still want to exist within every community they can find.

I see everything around me as one big constant entity.
I see everything within me as a spark which thrives on chaos always seeking order.

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