Should we bring back CaptainPlanet420?

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A total of 72 votes have been cast on this poll.

Go forth and show your democratic might!
laura says...

Question: has captainplanet shown that he likes this place so much that he tries to keep comming back, and has the guy asked for his account back very nicely along w/ an apology? That makes a difference. Choggie did.

Drax says...

The one guy I never caught why everyone was down on was Bill'O.. I always thought he was being rather funny by being super sarcastic.. but then so many people took him serious I started to wonder if he wasn't being sarcastic, till at least the next post by him where Id tell myself, "Ok, he HAS to be being sarcastic.".

That was around the time I signed up though, so maybe I missed some other crazy antics of his.
*quirks head and shrugs*

xxovercastxx says...

No matter what the question, banning blankfist is always the best possible answer.

I was against the return of choggie and so I'm definitely against the return of 420. At least choggie has some positive effect at times.

That being said, with choggie having returned, I'll do my best to give him a fair chance.

choggie says...

Laura, ^as always, the voice of reason, tolerance, love and objective response. CP420 seemed a bug in the butter of more than 22 users polled recently on my my reinstatement-I never asked for a poll, the one for me came from an unexpected direction, from a user I rarely had any interaction with.

The tone of dissenters on this thread so far seems a bit charged. As I always maintained, in this voting community on a site where the users and not the admins dictate, votes should hold some weight in these matters. In an objective comparative analysis of choggie's AND CaptP's history here any reasonable soul should see more differences than juxtaposition.

So for the cheap seats....I took issue and actions as I saw fit, with a handful of users here, not the entire site-I aimed when I shat, others exploded into the crowd. My actions had consequences I both expected and dealt with according to my freewill. Plus, I had not been laid properly in quite some time.

This poll has a distinctive, gremlinesque initial flavor. Unfavorable bouquet and predictable finish.
Compliments stale bread or hard, semi-soft cheese.

Thank you, xxovercastxx. I shall attempt to and succeed in living up to your gracious consideration.

Not trying to be a dick BF but sometimes it comes quite easy-Offense is taken at the obvious comparison.

BillO had some great timing and his dry, sardonic wit was more often well-placed than not. What did he do to piss on the rug anyhow???

nibiyabi says...

BillO must have done something I missed. He was a parody, I thought. Choggie I was unsure about, but I guess I'm OK with it since he can't abuse powers anymore. CP420 I have to take a hard stance against. He was an out-and-out troll, here only to make people miserable while contributing next to nothing. He is a racist and a homophobe, and I can't believe the vote total is even close.

longde says...

People are going to start using polls like a California initiative, and we'll end up with the same fucked up results.

If we can unban by poll, why not ban unpopular users as well. Why not poll to ban annoying (*cough*cough*gwiz) avatars?

blankfist says...

More people want me banned than want CP420 back. I was kind of hoping that option would take some votes away from the "No, he shouldn't be let back in" option. It was my Ross Perot if you follow 1980s US politics.

geo321 says...

I've only been here a year or so so I don't have the historical insight on the sift to judge these past members. I just hope that some masterminded downvoting sociopath isn't resurrected. lol.

MrFisk says...

I voted to allow him back. I think banning is overboard, silly, and ineffective. It seems everyone here never learned how to use the downvote option, properly. If you don't like a video -- not someone who posted it -- then downvote it. And if their comments are atrocious, racist, lies, or disputed, downvote them.

xxovercastxx says...

Maybe instead of resurrecting banned members we should be hunting down appreciated members who left and trying to get them to return.

pigeon (who just might have left due to being profile-stalked by ant, it seems)
james roe

choggie says...

Here, here, at least 7 of those cats were quite tolerant of and chummy with choggie-specially raven(the only reason the wildwestshow is here), who I carried on with for many hours chatting off-site. She has a life now, s'why she's gone. She had no tolerance for douchebaggery, either.

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