Should ignored comments be completely hidden?

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A total of 8 votes have been cast on this poll.

Sometimes one can't help but click 'show it anyway' when an ignored sifter comments. Often, it would be better if those one ignores could be out of mind completely. This would be helped by an option to not see that they had commented at all, as in the comment would be completely hidden, unseen when you read comment threads. Opinions are welcome. I can't be sure all the options are possible, but we'll get an idea what's wanted.
messenger says...

Too many similar options == too much work to figure out and answer. Just "Completely hidden (old system)" and "Hidden with option to reveal (current system)".

IMO, if you don't want to read a troll's messages, then don't. My inability to ignore things I know are best to ignore isn't the Sift's problem. I'd rather the trolls were simply removed for damaging the atmosphere, but short of a Siftquisition or a radical change in management policy, that's unlikely to happen.

newtboy says...

Sorry for that, I wanted to include all options I could think of, in case some were impossible or too difficult. Maybe "yes/no" would have been a better start, but too late for that now.
...and yes, I'm aware this is a personal failing, the inability to ignore 'pokes', but I don't know if it's one I'm alone in, or a normal failing for many with a simple solution. If it's just me, it's just me and I should deal with it myself, agreed.

messenger said:

Too many similar options == too much work to figure out and answer. Just "Completely hidden (old system)" and "Hidden with option to reveal (current system)".

IMO, if you don't want to read a troll's messages, then don't. My inability to ignore things I know are best to ignore isn't the Sift's problem. I'd rather the trolls were simply removed for damaging the atmosphere, but short of a Siftquisition or a radical change in management policy, that's unlikely to happen.

PlayhousePals says...

Fortunately, for me, I've yet to cross that bridge [not that I didn't come close when I first came here mind you]. The Sift experience has taught me how to ... 'not pet the sweaty stuff'. I am much happier now

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Most of Videosift is petty stuff.

Many great sifters have left because of the clique-ish, self aggrandizing, first-world-problem-griping nature of Videosift.

The Siftquisitions that take place to "sort out" the squabbles are often times the most petty.

As I believe it was in my case..

(It was my causal, blunt-as-usual comment to Pumpkin or whoever that resulted in me being attacked & eventually banned.)

So yeah, Videosift is unique in that it is both petty & pedantic..

A decent - but flawed - idea.

..which why the rest of the internet has ignored it & its community.

Oooh well, it was pretty nice when it started.

Wonder how long it'll be before Dag finally shuts the lights off.

PlayhousePals said:

Fortunately, for me, I've yet to cross that bridge [not that I didn't come close when I first came here mind you]. The Sift experience has taught me how to ... 'not pet the sweaty stuff'. I am much happier now

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