Should Catsanddogs be changed to Pets?

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A total of 52 votes have been cast on this poll.

Since most people agree that Catsanddogs isn't a good name should we change it to Pets like Sarzy suggested?
Pets would be a much better name since that is pretty much exactly what the channel is for, videos of pets. Other domesticated animals are also allowed but videos of wild animals don't really fit into this channel and should be in *Nature.
Boise_Lib says...

I vote "Yes." But I would add a clarification.
If you define the channel for, "Domesticated Animals" it could get confusing.
For example a Bird-Eating Frog in a terrarium is not a domesticated animal, but it is a pet.
Maybe "Domesticated and Captive Animals?"

All else aside, I think its a good change.

BoneRemake says...

What are you changing ? the name or the description ?

You can make the channel name *fourbeartitmouse and it will not change a thing the way videos are placed in the channel. If you are instating some form of change then you need to change the description as to what is included in the channel.

Pets does not encompass all those that are domesticated, You can have a pet cow on your ranch but that doesn't mean its domesticated, its a wild animal.

I see this "change" as a means to put things in *pets and *nature because something will be a pet but will be wild at the same time. You cannot tell me my fish are domesticated, they are pets but wild.

Lets see if I put enough thought into that. Will regret kick in hours down the line ??? Turn to page 74 if yes, turn to page 92 if no.

thegrimsleeper says...

Well if it's a pet you would put it in the Pets channel, simple. That's what this whole thing is trying to accomplish, making things simpler and more straightforward. Pet fish absolutely belong in this channel but that might not be obvious to all people because it's called catsanddogs.
We're only changing the name here not what videos belong in the channel.

I don't know if your fish belong in the Nature channel, you should ask Arvana about that.

mintbbb says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

I think I am the one making it confusing then if this is meant to make things simpler.

Well, to you it is not confusing, since it is the channel that gets most of your downvotes, no matter what it is called.

Or I am sorry if I am offending you. Maybe it is just 'cats'? No, definitely not just 'cats'. I am sure the catsanddogs are not all to your high VS standards, but please enlighten me. It certainly can't be the videos themselves, since you have a channel that does not have ANY kind of video required.

Sorry, just seeing you downsift the crap out of me has made really, REALLY unhappy with you.

But I am sure you don't give a crap about what I think of you. Whatever.

xxovercastxx says...

#pets is not perfect but it is closer than #catsanddogs and less unwieldy than #domesticatedanimals.

So, yes, so long as the plan is to change the name of the channel but keep the same description and content, I see it as an improvement even if it's not perfect.

Krupo says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

What are you changing ? the name or the description ?
You can make the channel name fourbeartitmouse and it will not change a thing the way videos are placed in the channel. If you are instating some form of change then you need to change the description as to what is included in the channel.
Pets does not encompass all those that are domesticated, You can have a pet cow on your ranch but that doesn't mean its domesticated, its a wild animal.
I see this "change" as a means to put things in pets and nature because something will be a pet but will be wild at the same time. You cannot tell me my fish are domesticated, they are pets but wild.
Lets see if I put enough thought into that. Will regret kick in hours down the line ??? Turn to page 74 if yes, turn to page 92 if no.

Come on now - cows are not wild animals. They're livestock, which are domesticated.

Also, the amount of rage you're displaying over a videosift channel renaming idea makes it sound like the future of your family depends on it. Chill man.

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