McCain vs. McCain
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 4 months ago
Views: 705
'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.'
'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.'
"There's not a history of clashes that are violent between Sunnis and Shiahs. So I think they can probably get along." - McCain

"Oh McCain!" Cartoon satire of John McCain's "Straight Talk Express". Produced by Charlie Fink, directed by Tony Grillo, Song by Chris Jeffries.
posted by paul4dirt
Jump ship before it completely sinks, eh?
posted by campionidelmondo
YT: During last night's debate, John McCain said we need "a cool hand at the tiller," but McCain has proven to be a loose cannon.
posted by campionidelmondo
A video clip as part of an overall Rolling Stone write-up about the mythology of McCain-Palin. Enjoy ! http://www.rollingstone.com/news/coverstory/make_believe_maverick_the_real_john_mccain
posted by mj0lnir 1 decade 6 years 5 months 1 week ago • 6,110 viewsYT: Under George Bush, 31% of the tax cuts were given to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. Under McCain's plan, 58% of tax cuts will go to the wealthiest 1%. Send ...
posted by campionidelmondo
From Comedy Central: The Senate is very proud to have done the work they're supposed to do all the time.
posted by NetRunner

Poor Sarah. Maybe she's been cursed by a witch.
posted by T-man
This is a homemade ad, not an official one.
posted by NetRunner
Phil Gramm asked Ron Paul to endorse McCain, Ron Paul declined because he said they disagree on most issues, especially foreign policy. Ron Paul also said he could never endorse a man who thinks that... continue reading
posted by kronosposeidon
Days after the 35W bridge collapse John McCain connected that $233 million with the tragedy that claimed 13 lives in Minneapolis. “Maybe if we had done it right, maybe some of that money would have... continue reading
posted by joedirt
Cenk Urgur on The Young Turks show blasts McCain with his own words from an old interview a few months after 9/11.
posted by marinara
From YT: A local newscast about Sarah Palin's history on the infamous pork project. From the TPM page itself: The local news in Alaska is willing to play it more straight about Palin's Bridge lie than... continue reading
posted by NetRunner
From TDS: John McCain's bio film shows him through the wild years up to abandoning everything he's always stood for.
posted by littledragon_79
Obviously, Obama's picked up on the "McSame" meme, and is hitting it hard.
posted by volumptuous
transcript in comments
posted by theaceofclubz
McCain's VP did not reject Congressional funds for infrastructure projects in Alaska
posted by theali