The Sky is Falling!
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 9 months 1 week ago
Views: 1,051
Tornadoes, hail, meteors, rain, etc.

Tulsa Airport surveilance camera captures brief F1 Tornado. It spins a plane around...pretty cool
posted by sroemerm 1 decade 8 years 1 week ago • 7,083 viewsThis is an exceptional compilation of tornadoes. The comments provide locations as well as additional videos. Enjoy!
posted by silvercord

Stormchasers escape the fury of this killer tornado in ellis county on may 4, 2007.
posted by eric3579
A brief look at a itty bitty dust devil in Connecticut. Quite fetching, actually.
posted by silvercord
A water spout has been spotted from the eastern parts of Singapore. Most callers to the MediaCorp News Hotline reported seeing what looked like a tornado or a twister over the sea. Most said they... continue reading
posted by silvercord
Footage of a freak hail storm in Texas. Wouldn't like to get one of these in the face.
posted by deputydog

This is a time-lapse of a gravity wave taken by the Tama, Iowa KCCI-TV webcam on 6 May 2007. Gravity waves form when buoyancy pushes air up, and gravity pulls it back down. Very cool stuff!
posted by silvercord

One frame of this short video is just beautiful.
posted by bamdrew
Seems like it's in slow motion but it's not. Cool tip - wait 'til it's buffered then drag the bar left to right slowly to see it's journey a bit quicker. 'A waterspout is an intense columnar vortex (usually... continue reading
posted by deputydog
A story on Euronews, about how the sun affects the weather on earth.
posted by Farhad2000