This Attenborough segment is from the documentary series "Life on Earth" Episode 6 "Invasion of the land" Possibly watch in full here This clip is about the songs of the frogs, I found this compilation... continue reading
posted by Fedquip
Christopher Walken doing a Jackanory spoof on the UK TV show Saturday Zoo in 1993. Unfortunately the picture quality's not so good but it's still funny.
posted by redthing
David Blaine is back and performing his rare brand of street magic. Are you sure you didnt buy a teddy bear?
posted by eric3579
Video from a camera mounted on a competition luge at Salt Lake City. For more luge videos and information go to http://www.luge.fr/
posted by redthing
2 foot smoke rings shoot 50 feet into trees and at people. From http://www.xenvideo.com/2007/04/12/cool-smoke-ring-generator/ ...
posted by ant
Creature Comforts sketch from the Comic Relief Red Nose Day 2007 special. This is a special short for the American version of Creature Comforts that is expected to start in 2007.
posted by Zifnab
The original non-sense game show by Adam & Joe - way before Mitchell & Webb's Numberwang. Quizzlestick is much better in my opinion, as the contestants are real [confused] people!
posted by benjee
Science of cornstarch suspensions - it has properties of a liquid, and a solid.
posted by winkler1
From Youtube Description: recently i was wholly captured by footage showing close ups of solar flares. i then set out to edit the material (only a few seconds) to this 3 minutes clip. it includes a... continue reading
posted by HistNerd
A short (~6:00) animation by Tim Burton, creator of such great claymation films as 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' and 'Corpse Bride'.
posted by calvados
Nova episode about the incredible Cuttlefish. Excellent footage. (although Nova's narrative dialog is a bit cheesy)
posted by randeepsamra
Alvin Lau, Live from the first round of individual finals of the National Poetry Slam 2006.
posted by eric3579
People get doused with buckets of colorful paint in slow motion to the tunes of CoCoRosie.
posted by plastiquemonkey
via: Neatorama This looks like a fun trick for the kids. They're always asking me to perform magic - the coin from the ear thing is getting a bit old.
posted by Brian Houston
This series was great, (own the first on DVD), think it ran 3 seasons.....Brilliant concept. Grim Reapers used to be alive as humans, as reapers, they must walk the earth and take the souls from those... continue reading
posted by choggie
I submitted this a few months ago, but it was flagged dead and not fixed in the allotted time. Sooo... here it is again. (Can I do that?)
posted by Fletch
What a wonderful old sod... From 'Poetry in Motion', a 1982 documentary directed by Ron Mann.
posted by Eden
"...William S. Burroughs...was an American novelist, essayist, social critic, painter and spoken word performer. Much of Burroughs' work is semi-autobiographical, drawn from his experiences as an opiate... continue reading
posted by bigbikeman