science fiction shenanigans
Updated: 8 years 1 month 1 week ago
Views: 3,690
Star Wars/Trek, Firefly, B5, comic books, -- whatever.

Cat Jedi in training
posted by Ashenkase
LYRICS: Awake ye scary Great Olde Ones, let everything dismay. Remember great Cthulhu shall rise up from R'lyeh To kill us all with tentacles if we should go his way. Oh tidings of madness and woe, ... continue reading
posted by darkrowan
From John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid.
posted by simonm

Well done little mashup.
posted by OverLord
"If you Luke father west....if you're Wookie." YouTube: Count the Star Wars puns in Sian Welby's weather report.
posted by PlayhousePals
"Top 10 Star Wars Movie Fails You Totally Missed! ... George Lucas could never have known that his space opera would turn into one of the most well-known and profitable movie franchises in history. If... continue reading
posted by ant
In light of it being October 21, 2015.
posted by brycewi19
From YouTube: Great Scott! Today's the day Marty McFly arrived in 2015!! To celebrate, go back in time with the groundbreaking time travel trilogy that convinced us all that hoverboards exist!
posted by Zifnab
Gonna take pollution down to zero!
posted by poolcleaner
Just a casual altercation with the PoPo at your neighborhood iHop.. with Boba Fett in the booth across the way. Gizmodo says: http://gizmodo.com/#!5796194/women-fight-with-police-at-ihop-as-boba-fett-looks-on... continue reading
posted by poolcleaner
"... The teens realize that we've made it to the date in Back to the Future 2 and talk about what it will be like for them in 30 years..."
posted by ant
A fully dubbed spoof version of Star Wars Episode 4
posted by blacklotus90
YouTube: Also: Hear the powerful story behind how Mister Sulu got his name. Actor, activist, prolific meme-generator, and cultural icon George Takei graces Big Think with his presence today in this... continue reading
posted by PlayhousePals
YouTube Description: May the force help you live long and prosper CAST Captain Picard - Sam Reich Darth Vader - Mike Trapp Geordi LaForge - Brian Murphy Data - Evan Watkins Worf - Evan Watkins CREW ... continue reading
posted by Aard Vark
First song from the Kung Fury Soundtrack
posted by OverLord
The original Millennium Falcon looked pretty clunky!
posted by lv_hunter

Cracked makes an argument how the Firefly crew were the bad guys and the Alliance was the good guys.
posted by RFlagg