That's right, a movie from picnicface! Synopsis: "When a roller skating-obsessed town is over-run by video game shilling gangsters, only one man has the funk deep enough... continue reading
posted by lsue 1 decade 2 years 5 months 1 week ago • 939 views • 1:56Band from Halifax
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 5 months 1 week ago
Views: 366
Musical groups based in or around to Halifax, and the East Coast of Canada
(lyrics in) It was only on my fantastic motorcycle trip over the Cabot Trail (on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia), this summer, that I realized this song was about that place. (NB: The images in this video are... continue reading
posted by calvados
For some reason this reminds me of hulk sell cars. It's a ridiculous parody of the energy drinks that we're all seeing ads for in the past few years. Would be viral if it were a real product. :) ... continue reading
posted by djsunkid

YouTube Description: Nova Scotia Power lineman Yvon Blin saves a seagull that somehow managed to get its head stuck in a braided power service line in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada.You guys can stop... continue reading
posted by Barseps
Great video from my favourite band.
posted by shoany 1 decade 3 years 3 months 1 week ago • 1,247 views • 6:12"just kill yourself!"
posted by sfarias40k
Terry Kelly - A Pittance of Time On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a drug store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the stores PA asking customers who would still... continue reading
posted by Sagemind
Uploader Description: "Here's how the manliest men's ads are conceived."
posted by dotdude
A short explanation as to why you are not successful.
posted by dgandhi
(lyrics inside) A great Canadian drinking song. RIP Stan, a whole country still loves you 25 years later.
posted by calvados

H O L Y C R A P ! ! This is going to be A W E S O M E ! !
posted by Randy Perry
I saw this guy perform at the Halifax busker festival last summer. His performances are amazing.
posted by notarobot
Mild NSFW for a bit of swearing, from the same group that created powerthirst
posted by djsunkid
Skratch Bastid's set from the 2003 Halifax DJ Olympics competition. Contains his CLASSIC Justin Timberlake/Mullet routine. Wait for it.
posted by notarobot
Awesome hiphop video from the Les-Kils EP.
posted by notarobot
She's really good. That's all I can say.
posted by geo321
Matt Mays & El Torpedo are building a boat. I wonder how it turns out.
posted by notarobot