ahh, childhood
Updated: 4 years 5 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 1,690
starting with the best intro ever, to my favorite show, growing up. better. stronger. faster.

I use to cover my eyes when this movie would be on but oddly I always watched it. I saw it again just the other day not as creepy as an adult. I guess there is an unknown factor that plays in when your... continue reading
posted by ctrlalt bleach

corinthian leather man....
posted by swampgirl
From http://www.fanboy.com/2009/01/animated-tv-titles.html ...
posted by ant
Don't be an asshole... watch this sweet episode. This episode was written by Larry Niven and is based on his short story "The Soft Weapon." The story is part of his "Known Space" series. Part 1 of 3. It's... continue reading
posted by Paul Richey
was just trying to find the trailer, for the Halloween horrorfest. found the whole thing!... continue reading
posted by my15minutes
"good news is, your dates are here. bad news is, they're dead." lively you may remember from NL's European Vacation. atkins was the banker in Lethal Weapon. imdb here.... continue reading
posted by my15minutes
(1979) The final scene from the Disney film. What's beyond a black hole? Heaven? Hell? Both? Neither?
posted by firefly
Eighties cinema at it's best. (previously).
posted by fissionchips
also featuring charles martin smith, probably best known for American Graffiti, and as the accountant agent Wallace in The Untouchables.... continue reading
posted by my15minutes

Q: What kind of film can you make with shitty actors and a $40 budget? A: 'Hercules,' starring Lou Ferrigno, from 'The Incredible Hulk' TV show. I actually paid money to see this piece of dogshit when... continue reading
posted by kronosposeidon

Old tv show starring Tom Hanks and Peter Scelara (sp?). Music originally by Billy Joel.
posted by JackKetch 1 decade 6 years 8 months 1 week ago • 2,057 viewsthis should've been one of the first things i sifted. buy or rent it today. i liked this movie so much, as a kid, that when driving cross-country, at 14, to move from Upstate NY to South FL? there... continue reading
posted by my15minutes
Trailer for the 1975 Reissue of "A Boy and His Dog" about a man (Don Johnson) trying to survive (and get laid) in a world ravaged by nuclear war, and where dogs somehow got the ability to telepathically... continue reading
posted by Pushkill
Silent Running is a 1972 science fiction film directed by Douglas Trumbull and starring Bruce Dern, Cliff Potts, Ron Rifkin and Jesse Vint. It was made with a very limited budget but has since achieved... continue reading
posted by wildmanBill