Long and Awesome

Created: 1 decade 3 years 10 months 4 weeks ago
Updated: 1 decade 4 weeks ago
Views: 1,794

This is a list specifically for long interviews, videos, and any other type of genre that hits VideoSift's 4:00 minute mark or more.

I will try to list the "best of the rest" in this; so it will not have merely any long video, they will also be quality pieces.


From the award-winning director of The War on Democracy comes John Pilger's latest work, The War You Don't See. This hard-hitting exposé scrutinises the effects of the media during wartime, asking what... continue reading

posted by geo321 1 decade 4 years 2 months ago • 4,923 views • 1:36:41

From MSNBC: In an exclusive invterview with msnbc's Cenk Uygur, the Wikileaks chief denies that he conspired to commit espionage with U.S. Army Specialist Bradley Manning, asserting that such claims are... continue reading

posted by Tymbrwulf 1 decade 4 years 2 months ago • 4,377 views • 15:15

"Underground Expedition through New York City with Erling Kagge In December of 2010, I spent a week with Norwegian polar explorer Erling Kagge making our way through the underground of New York City.... continue reading

posted by vaporlock 1 decade 4 years 1 month 2 weeks ago • 7,408 views • 27:54

Martin Shaw narrates a very informative show produced by HORiZONS, BBC World. This show concerns a relatively obscure force of nature that is at work in the oceans and specifically in this video,... continue reading

posted by kceaton1 1 decade 4 years 1 month 2 weeks ago • 3,603 views • 43:50

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