Creationists are STUPID
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 8 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 558
You gotta respect creationists... sticking to their beliefs in the face of scientific fact and common sense...
Oh wait... You don't have to respect them at all.

"...the Grand Canyon could have been formed within about five minutes" -Young Earth Creationist
posted by Majortomyorke
continued from part 1
posted by Majortomyorke
Evolution demonstrated (in our life time) by Richard Dawkins' book "The Ancester's Tale"... This is my favourite chapter in it... I advise everybody to read this book (if you have the time :D)...(Youtube... continue reading
posted by BicycleRepairMan

For those of you who still do not fully understand how silly religion is, please watch http://www.videosift.com/video/The-Naked-Truth
posted by dead_tofu
Sorry about the pic quality, but the subject is solid. Please give it a chance until the muslim calls in, with a great theory!
posted by dead_tofu
This is a clip from episode 563 of "The Atheist Experience" TV show. Hilarity ensues!
posted by brain
Maher´s greatest hit!
posted by dead_tofu
Richard Dawkins answers "the most simplest question" from a Liberty U student. (From YouTube)
posted by Zifnab
The hosts call this guy the "best caller ever" because he can answer his own questions.
posted by jimnms
A response to a young earth creationist's arguments. The first two parts are debunking the arguments for a 6,000 year old earth.
posted by eric3579
From YouTube: Taking on common Creationist canards relating to what evolution is and isn't, and what it does or doesn't depend on or relate to.
posted by kronosposeidon
Videosift has been insufficiently godless recently, what with the election and all. Here to set it straight, gogreen18, who delivers a nice informative rant.
posted by Fjnbk
Ok so let me get this straight... God has to protect his reputation least he be slighted by all the other gods?...
posted by Januari

Henry Rollins starts off talking about evolution and ends up in a delicious rant on intelligent design and religion. I like.
posted by chtierna
Description from godtube: "Dr. Frank Turek Owns Atheist Guru Richard Dawkins ; Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the... continue reading
posted by blankfist
Richard Dawkins responds to an Oklahoma House of Representatives Resolution disapproving of his visit to the University of Oklahoma and his "indoctrination" of students with the theory of evolution.
posted by BicycleRepairMan
In this Excerpt from Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan proposes a question that challenges the creationist's view that the earth and the universe it resides in is only 6000 years old.
posted by reiwan
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