British Comedy
Updated: 1 decade 3 years 2 weeks ago
Views: 34,035
Comedy's about the only thing the Brits still do best. You could call this a sub-channel, aiming for a collection of all the British sketch, situation and stand-up comedy on the Sift. In other words, anything where the main purpose of the event is to be funny, as opposed to ads, outtakes etc.
See also: http://www.videosift.com/search?q=&t=v&u=&s[]=s&o=&c[]=30&c[]=50&vmin=&vmax=&sh=&l=&n=&b=&submit=Search

A look at how to combat social misunderstandings. Including that age old quandary, to flush, or not to flush?
posted by alien_concept
Adam Buxton wanders around the streets of Toyoko talking to drunkard Salerymen and checks into a capsule hotel.
posted by theneb 1 decade 6 years 2 months ago • 2,060 viewsRAT! Oh no...
posted by Issykitty
From the movie "The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It"
posted by Haldaug
Monkey Dust is a British animated comedy sketch show that aired on C4. It's pretty close to the bone at all times, but absolutely hilarious. This is one of the more pleasant sketches.
posted by alien_concept
Are you interested in switching your internet service providings.
posted by Farhad2000
What we need sir, your bank details and your sort code....
posted by Farhad2000
This starts off hilariously and just escalates from there. Billy Connolly on the difference between classes, brilliant.
posted by spoco2

God enters a pub owned by Werner Heisenberg, the german scientist behind the uncertainty principle.
posted by Ornthoron

From the best TV show perhaps ever. Darren (Stephen Merchant) interrupts Andy (Ricky Gervais) at the awards show to show him the new prototype doll of Andy's character "Ray Stokes"
posted by BicycleRepairMan
"Jerry Springer: The Opera is a British musical written by Stewart Lee and Richard Thomas, based on the television show The Jerry Springer Show." ~Wikipedia In this scene the "Jerry cam" reveals that... continue reading
posted by notarobot