very strange music-videos
Updated: 1 decade 1 year 6 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 5,998
i'm not talking weird, i'm talking VERY weird. But brilliant.

TURMOIL! CARNAGE! WHAT IS TO DO BUT DIG, DIG BONES OUT OF EARTH! Promo was directed by Michel Ocelot, generally an animated film director who finished the film 'Azur et Asmar' in 2006... which... continue reading
posted by bamdrew

One of the pioneers of avant garde music in the 80's. If you got a chance to see one of her concerts, it was a treat.
posted by silvercord

'White Surf Style 5' by Supercar
posted by bamdrew

An array of camera (not unlike in "The Matrix") captures Tiga and the Scissor Sisters dancing as 3d blurs, with well-timed long exposure captures. Directed by Olivier Gondry. (skip to -2:08 for the long... continue reading
posted by bamdrew
Wild and highly stylized promo for El-P's new album. El-P, dressed in prisoner orange, is beaten, dunked in water, etc., in a graphic commentary on secret US military prisons and prisoner abuses that... continue reading
posted by bamdrew
"This unforgettable and award-winning video, conceived by and supervised by the musical group, Sigur Ros, features the Perlan special-needs theatre group acting out a simple but beautiful play about the... continue reading
posted by bamdrew
Woah! Thats a weird promo! Be sure to at least check the last 60 seconds, where they smash huge glowing pills with metal bars while flying in the air! (dir. Saam Farahmand)
posted by bamdrew
An excellently strange avant-garde video from the band Hella. Favorite part is when the space-whale is talking in word bubbles filled with textures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hella_(band) A... continue reading
posted by bamdrew