Is Inequality Growing? In a magical land inhabited by long lashed, multi-colored Alpacas who love lollipops, rainbows and friendship, there's a yawning divide in wealth distribution…what's behind the inequality gap? ... continue reading
posted by RFlagg 1 decade 1 month 3 weeks ago • 1,136 views • 5:47Financial Inequality
Updated: 1 decade 1 month 3 weeks ago
Views: 248
A playlist of some of my favorite videos on financial inequality and other monetary issues.
YT: John Oliver discusses America's growing wealth gap and why it may be a problem in the future.
posted by mintbbb 1 decade 5 months 1 week ago • 1,810 views • 14:10A video, that will undoubtedly be dismissed by the Republican right as it comes from a "liberal" college (University of California Berkeley), about who is dependent on welfare and government programs.... continue reading
posted by RFlagg 1 decade 6 months 1 week ago • 1,033 views • 13:33I was going to say "In which John talks about the US national debt and deficit without the emotion usually involved with the issue..." then I read the YT description... From YT: In which John discusses... continue reading
posted by RFlagg 1 decade 2 years 1 month 4 weeks ago • 2,952 views • 6:34"Great new animated video from former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich and the folks behind explaining how inequality was politically engineered." - Moyers & Co.
posted by Warren E. Hale (MrFisk) 1 decade 1 year 3 months 1 week ago • 1,464 views • 2:30(youtube) Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not... continue reading
posted by pumkinandstorm 1 decade 1 year 9 months 3 weeks ago • 3,397 views • 6:24- 1