Updated: 1 decade 5 years 2 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 106

Cool hand animated film using sand and Vivaldi's Four Seasons (spring) concerto. By Ferenc Cakó.
posted by Pushkill
Realistic real time animated facial expressions coming soon to a video game near you.
posted by farcrafter
I love this kind of thing. Reminds me of the time that DFT did a quick little portrait of me in a jazz club. It is a sweet little sketch that I had recently rediscovered and have framed on my wall. From YT: ... continue reading
posted by Issykitty
Direct to DVD Trailer for the Hulk Vs animated cartoon. I love me some Hulk, and I love me some Hulk Smash.
posted by K0MMIE
The ultimate flip book made of many, many post-its. Via: ScrapeUp
posted by blankfist
Combichrist - Fuck that Shit - animated music video.
posted by paul4dirt
ca. 6 mins.
posted by calvados
From Brad Neely's 'Professor Brothers' series, here's a hysterical retelling of the truth about JFK.
posted by kronosposeidon
I just love these tooooo much. They have some moments of truly beautiful prose. We must collect them all!
posted by schmawy

Guy took a picture of himself everyday during a one year exercise program. Not sure if this incentive enough to get you off your ass, but it certainly made me feel a bit guilty!
posted by brycewi19
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