Propaganda in the age of the internet

Created: 1 decade 7 years 2 months 2 weeks ago
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 2 weeks ago
Views: 3,368

Scimming/racing through- the interwebs. Where to position the "intarweb" in political/sociological discussion? Who looks at what and in which way?

Stuff I need to collect for my upcoming diploma about (modern Media/Propaganda). Got any useful/related sifts/book recommendations? Hit me up!

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This airing across the country in theaters during the previews. Over the top cheesy prpaganda with images of fires, Nascar, Kid Rock, Wars, and Soldier eyeing little Afghan boys like pedophiles. Here are the lyrics ... continue reading

posted by nomino 1 decade 6 years 2 weeks ago • 2,620 views

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