Financial Crisis! Media on the web 2.0

Created: 1 decade 5 years 11 months 3 weeks ago
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 2 weeks ago
Views: 1,692

Freedom for all the Noam Chomskies, Pepe Escobars, Chavezes, ENDOFCAPITALISMENDOFWORLD?

An attempt at a collection about the Financial Crisis (tm) and its coverage on the internet (2.0).

Displaying 1 of the 60 videos in this playlist:

Potential Senate Candidate Peter Schiff Vs. Incumbent Chris Dodd on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over the years. Support Peter Schiff and convince him to run ... continue reading

posted by blankfist 1 decade 5 years 4 months 3 weeks ago • 2,050 views • 6:02

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