Captain Disillusion recuts the Gas Station Ghost video, to show how it should have been done. Original vid:
posted by dbalsdon 1 decade 7 years ago • 2,782 viewsVideo Research
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 8 months 1 week ago
Views: 2,003
In this video, Acharya addresses the folks who are ANTI-ZEITGEIST Part 1
posted by Constitutional_Patriot
Greg Palast does an investigative piece for Democracy Now! concerning the rebuilding of New Orleans. He visits the city a year after Hurricane Katrina has struck to see how the construction is going.... continue reading
posted by aaronfr
Oppenheimer discusses the Hindu verse that entered his thoughts when he witnessed the first atomic explosion.
posted by T-man

So nice to hear Dr. Sagan's voice. From YT: Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564 -- 8 January 1642) was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who is closely associated with the... continue reading
posted by schmawy
A woman is the victim of a crime, police arrive and quickly turn a bad situation into a truly horrifying one. This is a news report and be warned its very difficult to watch. Title courtesy of youtube.
posted by moodonia
A little piece of history that should not be forgotten. Also provides a good example of how the corporate media operates. This served as the bloody end of the Gulf War, and bloody beginning of the sanctions,... continue reading
posted by hoju
Part of a new series of "Professional Perspectives" on Fluoride. In this short video, Dr. Bill Osmunson -- a general and cosmetic dentist -- explains why he is now concerned about fluoride and water fluoridation.... continue reading
posted by qruel
I wish my government monitored my Internet
posted by Fedquip
Hunter talks about accidentaly shooting his assistant with a shootgun, Johnny Depp living in his basement and making bombs
posted by Kulpims T'dna
Footage recorded by a Christian Peacemaker Team who go to places like this to observe what's going on, and discourage jackassery through their witness. Link thanks to Raed Jarrar... continue reading
posted by Krupo

Though the authors of H.R. 1955 would likely deny that the bill could be used to crack down on free speech and legitimate political opposition, the talking heads on the main stream networks have made it... continue reading
posted by eric3579
PBS's "NOW" journalist David Brancaccio investigates how Republicans stole the 2004 elections by disqualifying voters. Watch part 2 here: watch?v=I1TqdZGXZUk
posted by qruel
The U.S. Government now officially considers people who "make numerous references to the Constitution" to be "potential terrorists". Taken from the documentary , One Nation Under Siege.
posted by qruel
David Attenborough takes a look at insect-eating plants in a Carolina swamp.
posted by persephone
Some Provocateurs who outed by the protesters as police officers are stopped at the SPP in Montebello QUE.
posted by Fedquip
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