Random Clips
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 1 month ago
Views: 91
Random clips of stuff I found interesting.

"You know your in for a good day at the dog races when something like this happens. That is the smartest and coolest dog ever, next time hes not gonna even start hes just stay put and declare himself winner."[/break]... continue reading
posted by blankfist

This seems like the sort of thing that could never go wrong.
posted by perfectlysane 1 decade 6 years 2 months 3 weeks ago • 2,282 viewsEddie Murphy wonders what it would be like if Mr. T was gay.
posted by Duckman33
Keyboards are so lame! Use the MacBook Wheel. Everything is just a few hundred clicks away.
posted by kronosposeidon
Edward Current: A STUPID video that I found -- a quiz that supposedly measures how deluded by religion you are. I'm glad this hateful moron won't be spending the next trillion years in heaven with Jesus and me!
posted by Duckman33

This latest spoof trailer for the upcoming The Simpsons Game takes on a Medal of Honor feel, complete with the classic war music, black-and-white settings, action-packed dogfighting sequences and the classic... continue reading
posted by Zifnab
From C/H: "Rick Springfield unveils his hit song, "Jessie's Girl" to his best friend, Jessie." It's a little slow getting into the funny. The funny starts around a minute in or so.
posted by blankfist
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