
Member Profile

Birthdate: November 27th, 1989 (35 years old)
A little about me...
I am from Soviet Union. I live in Sputnik. My activity as child was picking potato bugs off potato plants. In Russia there is no sarcasm. I also enjoy meat.

Member Since: January 18, 2009
Favorite Sift: Tiny Piggy Adventures
Last Power Points used: June 3, 2010
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Comments to yourhydra

gwiz665 says...

My poodle LOVES its little skirt!

I've actually only read excerpts from the God Delusion, but I have it lying around on e-book. The parts I've read have all been excellent. Dawkins is good at keeping his tone pretty calm and scientific even as he eviscerates the different God theories. If you like his writing, I also recommend reading some of Daniel Dennett's books, which are all super. I like Consciousness Explained and the Intentional Stance, but they are more about philosophy and cognitive theory.

In reply to this comment by yourhydra:
i bet u dress up your poodle in pink fluffy skirts

ps. have you read the God Delusion? (Dawkins) I think you would rather enjoy it. I know I did

EDD says...


*fap fap fap*

I know, I know - sorry, just couldn't help myself

Also, congratulations on the star! Trust me - next ones will seem even easier to attain

In reply to this comment by yourhydra:
.....what i meant was... so she can know what it feels like to be considered different and hated. Not because Im a lesbian that want her (men...*eyeroll*) *shifty eyes while sending edd sex tape of herself and the pageant psycho*

EDD says...

Tssk tssk, praying for personal gain is against the rules.

But since I am such an altruist, I want to help you - I'll pray for the same thing, AND also for the two of you to meet (and maybe for a little video to be made in the process)!

I know, I'm such a stand-up guy...

In reply to this comment by yourhydra:
i hope god turns her into a dyke

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 10 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

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