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Member Since: March 7, 2008
Last Power Points used: April 7, 2009
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Comments to youmakekittymad

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 15 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

longde says...

How did the trip to asia go?

In reply to this comment by youmakekittymad:
hello all.

i'm david. i was a longtime lurker here on the sift before finally signing up for membership, partially due to prodding from RhesusMonk, who i've known since i was 10.

i'm 25. i grew up and currently live in new york city, and work as a ballet/modern dancer. went to college at Skidmore in upstate NY, got a degree in philosophy, and became the token catholic-school-surviving atheist of the department. after, i had a brief relationship with political work in D.C. (we split due to irreconcilable differences) before returning home and coming back to dance. the company i dance for is gearing up for a tour to macau, china in october which is pretty exciting, but that's about where the glamour ends. when i'm not being a gracefully sweaty mess, i spend time with my friends, work my silly night job, play video games, and work (slowly) towards a future in architecture, as, unfortunately, you can't dance forever and i'm not that far from middle-age for the field.

the sift is easily one of my favorite things about the interwebs, so cheers folks!

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