surfingyt US

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Real Name: surfingyt
Birthdate: January 1st
A little about me...
trump lost and his bootlickers cry harder

Member Since: March 13, 2012
Last Power Points used: February 4, 2013
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Comments to surfingyt

newtboy says...

Yep. I live in Humboldt. Moved up here from the bay area, a completely different culture. They are also totally different from Southern California, which itself is a completely different animal from Central Valley California. There was a time when splitting the state into two, north and south, was considered, but no one wanted the bay area in their half, and Sacramento didn't belong in either half either. If we split, it should be into at least 4 distinct states, north, central, south, and Bay area California, and even then there would be many communities in the wrong states.

surfingyt said:

truth, california is too diverse to group it the way they did

newtboy says...

I've started thinking of them as the ouroboros party, and I too am enjoying watching them eat themselves alive.

surfingyt said:

With every new conspiracy they make up they lose more and more Republicans. Democrats will remain in power for years because of people like Bob and Republican delusions. It's comical to see and I am loving every tear they shed!

😥 👈 😆 😂

newtboy says...

I posted a video of Fox news reading it while the letter is on screen so you can read along. I wonder how much fact checking they had to do, seeing as this reads like someone totally making fun of Trump's infantile personality....but nope.

surfingyt said:

It's even more hilarious once you see the actual letter

BSR says...

I say shove their heads up their ass and they can fight for air. 🥵

surfingyt said:

to actually fight would mean to actually lose, hence the confederate and nazi flags, their addiction to losers losing.

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