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Comments to mentality

gorillaman says...

That's true, but I was making a more abstract point about a man's theoretical right to abort the fetus growing in his own womb. That men don't get pregnant doesn't change the ethical dimension at all; when pro-lifers oppose abortion, they're threatening human rights in general, not a peculiar liberty of women.

Fundamentally, I don't like the glib idea common to that thread and other abortion discussions, that men don't have anything to say to women on the issue.

In reply to this comment by mentality:
Yes, the father is essential for conception and therefore you can argue that the fetus belongs partially to the man. But men don't physically get pregnant; The pregnancy, and all the risk and complications belongs soley to the women.

In reply to this comment by gorillaman:
It's a human rights issue. Men have the same right to abort their pregnancies as women, that they don't get them is irrelevant.

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