Member Profile
Visit My Blog: Nickileaks
Real Name: Nicki HansenChannel: Talks - debates, lectures and more
Birthdate: August 6th, 1983 (41 years old)
A little about me...

I'm a software engineer working on games for mobile devices. Notably I've worked on Subway Surfers and Frisbee Forever. See more at my homepage: http://nickithansen.dk/
Member Since: February 22, 2007
Email: gwiz665 at gmail dot com
Homepage: http://nickithansen.dk/
Favorite Sift: Futurama - Fry's Dog Waiting (Ending and Sad)
Favorite Tags:
Last Power Points used: April 11, 2019
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 2 Get More Power Points Now!

I'm a software engineer working on games for mobile devices. Notably I've worked on Subway Surfers and Frisbee Forever. See more at my homepage: http://nickithansen.dk/
Member Since: February 22, 2007
Email: gwiz665 at gmail dot com
Homepage: http://nickithansen.dk/
Favorite Sift: Futurama - Fry's Dog Waiting (Ending and Sad)
Favorite Tags:
Last Power Points used: April 11, 2019
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 2 Get More Power Points Now!
Congratulations! Your ability to discover new, unknown videos has earned you your "Talent Scout" Level 2 Badge!

Meet the USS Zumwalt, a next-gen ship run by Linux and captained by James Kirk.
If a hacker named Khan assumes control over the ship, do you think it'll mark the emergence of Cthulhu?
Respect mah securitah!
Bloody brilliant. I'll be back with qualities and promotes
Congratulations! Your dedication to finding diamonds in the rough and pushing videos of other members to success has earned you your "Assister" Level 29 Badge!

This might just be the sort of art even I can enjoy...
You just received a gift of 2 Power Points from member @chingalera. What a gorgeous human being.
Happy three-oh meine Erlöser, to you and yours! 🙌
Happy Birthday my friend! I hope it was terrific.
You just received a gift of 2 Power Points from an anonymous human being. Spend them well, and make your generous benefactor proud.
What the hell? A party and I wasn't invited!!! I guess I'll just keep the gifts for myself then.
Happy Birthday gwiz!!! 
Party at YOUR house Nicki! The big 3-OH ... make it a memorable day
Does that mean I missed it? [or is it EVERYWHERE?]
Party all over!
You just received a gift of 1 Power Point from member @chicchorea. What an incredible meatbag.
Happy Birthday.
30 something, excellent.
Party at YOUR house Nicki! The big 3-OH ... make it a memorable day
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