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Member Since: April 26, 2007
Last Power Points used: December 25, 2009
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Comments to guessandcheck

Peroxide says...

THANK YOU THANK YOU for the videos! I also have a DMST t-shirt, but it shrunk too small for me Man I cannot get over how good they are but yet how few people know about them. Good to meet one on the sift,

In reply to this comment by guessandcheck:
I'm wearing a DMST shirt at this very moment. I took some pretty cool video at the last show I saw:
Auberge Le Mouton Noir
Outer Inner & Secrect
and my pqued

In reply to this comment by Peroxide:
DoMakeSayThink Rules!!!

11714 says...

awsome thanks! i just pop up your list and i immediately see MANY of my favorite artists. Mogwai, beck, broken social scene, and radiohead right off the bat! :-) I feel we must have more in common then I realized if we have such close musical tastes!

11714 says...

and now i've remembered the other one I need to throw in there

"and I just got a message sayin' that hell has frozen over.. got a phonecall from the lord sayin' hey boy get a sweater" -tiny cities made of ashes

11714 says...

oh there are many many other examples as well. I've said plenty of times (to people who dont really understand or agree w/ me) that modest mouse has some of the best lyrics ever written. If they are not spot on w/ dead seriousness they are hilariously sarcastic and almost always very right.

"such a classic excuse it should be bronze by now" - broke

"some times all I really want to feel is love, some times I'm angry that I feel so angry. sometimes my feelings get in the way, of what I really feel I needed to say" - edit the sad parts

"my brains the burger and my hearts the coal... my brains the weak heart and my heart's the long stairs... my brains the cliff and my heart's the bitter buffalo" - heart cooks brain

"everyones a building burning, with no one to put the fire out, standing on the window looking out, waiting for time to burn us down" - blame it on the tetons

I'm gonna stop there because I could go on for a long long time. And I know im gonna think of one later I should've put in there but you get the point im sure :-P

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