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Member Since: December 29, 2007
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Comments to critttter

kronosposeidon says...

I see you still lurking around this video. I don't know if I've ever seen you so angry here. I can't imagine Squink with rabies.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
^ Snoozedoctor your premise is valid, of course, if white guys feel comfortable voting for white guys, that old chestnut, but floating Hillary as a paramount feminist voting cause is like backing Margeret Thatcher just because she's a woman. If this really worked, don't you suppose the Republicans would have had a female candidate if it all boils down to such a basic premise??

The Republicans are masters at dividing the Democrats, who willingly walk right into it. Sad.

jwray says...

debating someone's statement != validating them
believing someone believes what she says != validating her

How can you know they didn't believe what they said?
I take every debate seriously.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
^jwray, are you always so gullible?
(edit) I owe you an explanation on this comment - I thought you were actually taking these two even slightly seriously. On second read I see that you weren't actually validating them by considering their extremely misguided opinions. Apologies.

kronosposeidon says...

That's where you're wrong. We're about quantity. Surely there must be an animal fart or exploding wind mill you can plug into your queue in the mean time.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
Hey, I've been working like a sharecropper's mule. Gots to afford all my Mac products...
It bothers me that my queue is empty, but I have a couple more weeks of long, long work days, and I don't like to post things just to post things. We're about quality here, right?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I see you're a charter member, yet not a single video in your queue? What gives?

BTW, I see you recruited DFT to downvote my 'poophead' comment. If it weren't for my rheumytism I'd give you what fer, you despicable critttter!

kronosposeidon says...

I see you're a charter member, yet not a single video in your queue? What gives?

BTW, I see you recruited DFT to downvote my 'poophead' comment. If it weren't for my rheumytism I'd give you what fer, you despicable critttter!

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