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Comments to critttter

Arsenault185 says...

I don't know what happened. Now both videos are about some sort of heavy fog. Reuters must be acting up. I killed them. If you still want to see them, go to and check out the "oddly enough" tab.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
Hey Arsenault, I wanted to see both your pig vid and your dalmation/tiger vi, but the are both IPhone vids now. Can't get excited about that. Let me know if you fix them.

schmawy says...

I'm doing the preliminaries for the Great Cheese Conspiracy right now. It'll be a legal proceeding presided over by the Hon. Judge Swampgirl. There will be many indictments. Those responsible will be held accountable for their crimes.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
Hey Schmaw - I really enjoyed the avatar-pedia, and I'm really looking forward to the cheese wiki...when you think it's safe. I still get an occaissional cheese-twinge, but so far so good.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I'm a hardcore feminist voting for Obama too.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
^ No, Snoozedoctor, I don't need to admit that. I proudly consider myself a hardcore feminist, and I was always planning on voting for Obama based on character and issues. And who are you to say for whom these ladies speak? Looks to me like they speak for Bill O'Reilly. But then, I can only speak for myself.

bleedingsnowman says...

I also have not recieved my check yet, and I also already spent the money. In fact I don't even know if I will get a check at all.

I've made my home in beautiful Logan Square for the past 2 years. Now that I know you live in Chicago I will give a cockeyed look to every corgi I see.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
Hey, thanks much for your contribution to my economic stimulus chat. I haven't recieved my stimulus check yet, but I've already spent it on things like , well, bread and coffee.
I am indeed in Chicago, are you? I don't get the impression that Chicago is particularly active on the Sift.

NetRunner says...

Well, if you play with a compound interest calculator, and plug in a best-case refund of $1800, for 5 years, with the average interest rate for a savings account (1%), you make about $90 over 5 years, assuming you leave it alone.

You're better off looking for some sort of long-term investment that'll give you a higher rate of return. If you really want to leave it in a hands-off account, the best thing to do would be a mutual fund, though the stock market will be rocky for the next couple of years, and it might go down before it goes up. Over 5 years though, it's still likely to grow a lot more than 1%.

The real thinking behind the thing though is that you'll go off on a shopping spree, and turn the economic picture around, the government will make its money back in taxes as jobs are magically created, and the stock market soars up.

Personally, I don't think the stimulus check will work. Even on that thread, people are talking about spending it on gas, and I think that's going to be true for most people. They're going to use it to temporarily offset the increase in the price of food and gas, or to help pay their mortgage, not go out and stimulate some slumping sector of the market.

I don't know what's going to happen, but a lot of economists are still screaming that the sky is falling, and calling a lot of the efforts by the Bush administration simple short-term fixes that will at best delay the coming crash, not avoid it.

Me, I'm sticking my rebate in a savings account. I'll consider other guaranteed investments, but part of me doesn't want to lock away that money in a CD or bond, in case I need it right away.

I hate to be all doom and gloom, but everything I read has me worried. On the bright side, it'll probably have recovered to a large degree after 5 years. I just don't know how bad it's gonna get during the next couple.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
I really appreciate your train of thoughts/comments on the economic stimulus chat! I confess, I'm not really investing in cheap gold. As a contrarian, I'm curious to see what would become of it in five years if I open a savings account specifically for it, which would be the opposite of our government's intent...

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
Not to flood this post, but yeah, now I'm finding plenty of articles saying that this rebate is a gift. The 2001-2002 rebate had to be paid back. This one just gets heaped on to the national debt.

So forget what I said earlier, go nuts with the money, people, otherwise it's one more thing our grandkids will have to pay for.

kronosposeidon says...

My son will disown me if I manbaby him, as he rightfully should.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
Oh yes, there is a growing consensus...Manbaby! Manbaby! Manbaby that photo!!!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I see you still lurking around this video. I don't know if I've ever seen you so angry here. I can't imagine Squink with rabies.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
^ Snoozedoctor your premise is valid, of course, if white guys feel comfortable voting for white guys, that old chestnut, but floating Hillary as a paramount feminist voting cause is like backing Margeret Thatcher just because she's a woman. If this really worked, don't you suppose the Republicans would have had a female candidate if it all boils down to such a basic premise??

The Republicans are masters at dividing the Democrats, who willingly walk right into it. Sad.

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