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Member Since: April 27, 2007
Favorite Sift: VNV Nation - illusion By Andy Huang
Last Power Points used: May 31, 2010
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Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
I was raised in a far-left family and culture.
May all doors open to you :)
Member Since: April 27, 2007
Favorite Sift: VNV Nation - illusion By Andy Huang
Last Power Points used: May 31, 2010
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
HAH! I used to ride roller skates with all my friends on skateboards-now I ride a longboard...I am only one man in a sea of love....what more can I do but be forever who I am?

In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Hey Choggatron, thanks for the offer, but it seems like your Vintage video did fine without my famous breath of life.
Also, the turtle is society, and you're the one trying to get it to move, even if only an inch at a time, am I right? May I respectfully suggest rollerskates?
In reply to this comment by choggie:
Hey Chilaxitron....I'd be gracious with gettin' you to gold on the fast track.....Interested? Even if you are not, I'd trade ya my next 2 powerpoints to be used according to your instructions should you wish to save this viddy before it dies.....I'll boost ya how I can towards yer gold anyhow, whether or not you's like to help out...yer a mere 5 away, eh?
Hey Chilaxitron....I'd be gracious with gettin' you to gold on the fast track.....Interested? Even if you are not, I'd trade ya my next 2 powerpoints to be used according to your instructions should you wish to save this viddy before it dies.....I'll boost ya how I can towards yer gold anyhow, whether or not you's like to help out...yer a mere 5 away, eh?
Hey Chilaxe,
It's a graphic a metal band I listen to uses, their name is Finntroll, I like it too! =D
Here's the full deal: http://www.mtv.com/shared/promoimages/news/l/logos/original/09_finntroll.jpg
In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Hey Pushkill, I like your avatar. Can I ask what it's from?
In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Hey Nordlich, that reminds me I wanted to ask you since I know you have a lot of martial arts experience...
In the event of an unavoidable fight, what do you think about striking someone in the neck instead of the skull? The advantages might be 1. less likely to injure your hand or arm and 2. the fight ends more quickly.
What's your take on it?
In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
>> ^FancyL:
It seems to me that computers could pretty easily take the job of an umpire by now. It'd be much harder to argue with a computer/robo-ump.
If you do the robo-ump could beat the bloody shit out of you!
I'm assuming the assailant is ambiguous, where a nut shot isn't viable (baggy pants, or whatever). The neck is a good target for shocking the assailant giving the victim enough time to flee, or followup. I'm not a fan of knife hand because of the 5th metacarpal being a small bone but it is effective at striking the arteries*. A closed hammer first is good for causing more blunt damage to the neck it is also good. I think that the closed fist would cause more damage with the amount of force involved, to the throat itself. These are all coming from the side striking the arteries of the neck.
Front on strikes seem to be more fatal. But they are very effective much more so than any of the side strikes, I think. I feel that the force required to cause an assailant to quit is less. An interesting thing about getting hit in the front of the throat is that it feels very disturbing. After getting hit in the throat (the person didn't intend to hit me) it feels like there is a lump inside the throat. It felt like that for 2 days, this was caused by the swelling. It doesn't take a very hard hit to cause that, sensation(citation 2).
I did some quick research on Tracheobronchial Injury (wikipedia) and from the tone of the article it seemed that high impact causes massive trauma. However other sites seem to suggest it would be rather easy to cause massive trauma.
Here's what I really think, and it mirrors the answer given by the guy in the yahoo link. If the assailant is not expecting the throat strike it can be very effective (This kind of strike is the one that you always want, like the unexpected left hook.) It seems that since they aren't expecting it then they are ill prepared to be struck meaning less force can be used, but accuracy is paramount. If they are ready to be struck then, I would assume, that the assailant and victim are already throwing. At which point any hard strike to the neck area will be very effective(citation 3).
I have to agree and say; I really think that any strike to the neck area, especially the anterior neck is going to cause enough damage to make the assailant quit. However it can be lethal, as you probably already know. It seems to me that accuracy is more important than power in this kind of situation, aim small miss small (citation 4).
1. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1479666X06800909
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysphagia
3. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090531080328AALIIO9
4. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0187393/trivia
*If the person using the technique is a long time veteran of Karate Do (traditional) and have done body hardening the technique can be deadly. Then again the person could get lucky, and strike just right.
ha http://i.imgur.com/NjjkM.jpg
I think he got a new hair cut.

In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Lol... dear god that was funny once the link loads
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Congratulations! Your comment has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.
Well, it's pretty accurate, but it's also awfully exaggerated.

It seems to assume that every Israeli that goes through the IDF will either be in a combat or a command role. In reality, the majority will be in non-combat units, and a lot will be in units that are just bureaucratic or logistical.
My own army experience was in an IT support unit. I wasn't in a command role, and I mostly went in the IT direction both because it was something I was good at before, and because I really didn't want to be in a combat unit. For me it was basically a crappy job that paid ridiculously low and had a 1.5 hour commute in each direction.
Still, though. There were positive aspects. It gives you training in fields that you might otherwise not know at all, it puts you with people from social groups you would otherwise not know (melting pot, etc), and it gives you discipline. Silly teenagers coming out of high-school are suddenly made accountable for their actions, required to make decisions that shape their future, take orders from people their own age, etc. It tends to change your priorities.
So, while it exaggerated on the whole leadership experience front, I hereby declare this article to be mostly accurate
In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Hey DemonIX, is this really what it's like?
Soldiers of Fortune: How the Israeli Army became the most prolific innovation engine on earth
From the movie "Beerfest". More specifically, from this scene.
In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Haha... Throbbin, can I ask where your avatar is from?
Hey, bit late, but the plane-to-plane jump was a dupe
http://www.videosift.com/video/Airplane-to-Airplane-Skydive -> http://www.videosift.com/video/Plane-to-plane-skydive
Psh, minor detail.
In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Fun is nice, but...
In reply to this comment by Psychologic:
I can only imagine how much math went into that design. It actually sounds like a fun problem to solve... why does it have to be practical?
If they polished up the design so that it becomes a little more useful then I could definitely see the fitness crowd enjoying it. It's like a self-powered jet ski... like people who ride bicycles instead of motorcycles.
History is full of impractical devices that turned out to be great fun. Try snow skiing.
Found a replacement, have a look see if you hadn't seen it yet. Thanks again!
In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
*dead unfortunately
Thanks for the heads up, bummer I can't find a replacement yet. If you're interested here's another of his (Anthony Lucas's) animations; it's absolutely brilliant! FYI though, it's about 26 minutes long. Enjoy!
In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
*dead unfortunately
It's Dr. Henry Killinger, from the Venture Bros.

This video is blocked in my country, but i'm pretty sure it's the exact scene i grabbed it from.
[edit] thanks btw
In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
Hey Crake, I like your new avatar. Can I ask where it's from?
Hey Chilaxe,

I just wanted to say good job on your comment about the mouse/pitcher plant video. I agree entirely though sometimes I wimp out and dont say so.
I've decided that I'm no longer looking the other way when it comes to videos of killing animals on videosift or videos where animals are set up to be killed as was the case in the pitcher plant video. People dont seem to get that the idea of a pitcher plant is its full of water and causes death by drowning.
So no mercy from my downvote in future, i dont care if it upsets people or causes * controversy!
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