alien_concept GB

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Real Name: Rae
Channel: (oh sh*t, hormones)
Birthdate: February 8th, 1981 (44 years old)

Member Since: February 14, 2008
Last Power Points used: August 18, 2015
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Comments to alien_concept

radx says...

I was reading it over breakfast, and by the time the Paragon Curriculm was mentioned, I had lost my appetite.

I've seen privatisations that just oozed corruption from every pore, but this... this is something else. That's not your run-of-the-mill brazenness anymore. Its a full-fledged disconnect, a parallel society of proverbial gated communities that has its own perception of reality.

alien_concept said:

I want them all to die a painful, drawn out death. "...the worst environment minister we've ever had". Yeah, not so much as the worst cabinet we've ever had. This is what's made my blood boil over this week:

radx says...

I suppose a fiery rant every once in a while is also more acceptable than blowing up effigies of David Cameron in one's backyard. Not sure about puppets of Iain Duncan Smith though, those might be considered appropriate kindling.

Anyway, if I was involved in any popular social media, I'd be prone to make statements that might get me into trouble at some point. Mum's the word.

By the way, later this month, I'll be in the presence of people who are already on Uncle Sam's shit list.

alien_concept said:

Well, you're in good company. I am very much the same way, in that I suppress very little so it doesn't eat away and cause stress or depression. My black heart is firmly on my sleeve

Are you a facebook user? If so feel free to add me, I think our posts would be much related!

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radx says...

Eventually, you'll end up on the receiving end of rants of mine that are neither informative nor entertaining. Rage and anger is my very own recipe to prevent depression, so it's bound to happen sooner rather than later.

But hey, Russell Brand will be on this side of the Channel in early February, maybe that'll be enough to lift the spirits for a couple of months.

radx says...

"It follows allegations they charged the government for tagging people who were either dead or in jail."

So, private companies in charge of electronic tagging were engaged in highly unethical behaviour. Who could it be, who could it be... who would have the standing to get these kinds of contracts, while being ruthless enough to pull up such a fraudulent scheme? Oh, I know: fucking Serco and G4S again.

If you ever decide to put these wankers, including Atos, on a barge, tug it into the middle of the northern Atlantic and leave it there, give us a call. I'd row the distance if it meant the end of those bastions of inhumanity.

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