
Member Profile

Real Name: Alex Moreno

Member Since: July 6, 2007
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Comments to Oxen_Morale

siftbot says...

Your video, Superworm Eats Plastic, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

This achievement has earned you your "Pop Star" Level 1 Badge!

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 15 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

newtboy says...

Stop trolling please. You know exactly how you can avoid seeing movie trailers. Use the filters supplied. You’ve been informed uncountable times.
Just stop with your insistence that everyone else cowtow to your random whim.

I’m going to up it to three trailers every time you whine, because you’ve become intentionally annoying and Trumpian, thinking yours is the only opinion that should matter and the entire site should cater to you, even though you’ve never contributed a thing. WTF man?! Narcissistic much!?

Oxen_Morale said:

Yeah, I'd like to see another good Matrix too but Do you think we could make VideoSift NOT a place for movie previews?

newtboy says...

Two more movie trailers coming up. You’re welcome.

I promised you one every time you tell people to not post trailers. You don’t have that right. VideoSift doesn’t exist just for you. Good thing, you’ve never posted a thing….just complained lately (but done absolutely nothing to fix your personal issue).

Use the filters on your profile page, filter out cinema and commercial. You’ll never see another trailer.

Oxen_Morale said:

enough with trailers please!

newtboy says...

When you start posting videos, you can not post trailers. You have no right to tell other people to not post something (that doesn’t violate guidelines). Don’t like trailers? No one is forcing you to watch them. *redacted*

Your griping, as if you have some right or authority to determine the content others like, only makes me want to post more trailers. In fact, here’s the deal, every time you complain that someone posted a trailer, I’m going to post another one until you start posting videos yourself.

I, and others, like good trailers.

Again, what is your major malfunction?

Oxen_Morale said:

Please stop with all the trailers guys. Can't we find anything better than advertisements at videosift?

siftbot says...

You just received a gift of 10 Power Points from an anonymous human being. Spend them well, and make your generous benefactor proud.

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