MarineGunrock's Blog: "Rifleman's random ramblings"
Dealing with stupidity (Blog Post)
It's long, but holy fuck. You'll want to "friend" him just so you can yell at him, too.
Carl: received an email from Reliant energy asking me and the rest of their customers to conserve energy. I wrote a reply, "LoL, no way. I think because I pay for it I have the right to do what I want with my electicity. We live in a free society, not a collective." #capitalism
Craig Arsenault And its thoughts like that that lead to rolling blackouts and higher energy prices, as well as higher pollution. #douche bag
Carl Clement Nope, environmentalism lies...
Craig Arsenault hahaha So full of capatalism win though.
Kyle Arsenault Besides being wasteful, this isn't twitter.
Carl Clement Who cares, I pay for it; therefore, I can be wasteful. Plus my energy bill is like 25-35 dollars a month because of the heavy competition in the Houston area between energy companies.
Kyle Arsenault I am genuinely shocked to see that attitude coming from you. That's the same mentality that has caused the cost of oil to skyrocket. "Who cares if I'm only getting 8 miles to the gallon? I'm paying for it."
No, we're all paying for it. increased demand will always equal increased prices for goods/services. Those higher prices are paid for by everyone, not just you. That's really just a selfish, stupid attitude to have.
Carl Clement The cost of oil skyrocketed because of the herding mentality on Wallstreet and riskless profiteering. It is always a guarantee to buy oil in the spring and sell in the fall because of the herding mentality of daytraders. Oil is not run by s...
See More
Kyle Arsenault Oil futures ARE however traded based on predictions of demand. That increases the price. Also, I recognize that you pay based on your usage alone, but whenever a company has to deal with increased demand, their operating costs also increase. Must I give an example? wireless telcoms have to invest in more towers and faster technologies to keep up with the large demand from mobile broadband users. You may only use 250MB/month, but 1000 other people using 5GB/month means the company has to act to support that usage. They then charge all of their customers more to offset the higher operational costs.
Carl Clement (1) Oil Futures: How much of that is actual demand and just riskless profiteering? There was no rise in demand when Libya was under turmoil; yet the price of oil jumped drastically. It was a prediction from the supply side and not demand side; however, no oil field was at risk in Libya. Which means a bunch of daytraders used that current event to stage a rise in oil prices.
(2) Regarding your example, that's because wireless telecoms offered unlimited GB plans at the beginning without any regard to cost. Tim Gonzales has an unlimited plan and claims that he will never get rid of it, because it doesn't matter how many GB he uses, he still pays the same (AKA flat rate). It's different with electric because I pay by the KWH; therefore, if I use more KWH, I pay more. That is fair and that is capitalism.
(3) Let's just say they do have higher operational costs because of my overusage that gets passed on to the consumer: That money would go to the hiring of more workers, which increases costs; however, it would also lead to upgrades in facilities which can actually lead to a larger operational decreases. It's not a black and white argument like you think.
I think I proved my point here, peace!
Kyle Arsenault I never said futures are only traded on predictions of demand, but that's a large part of it. Regardless of all else, why waste just because you can?
Carl Clement I never said I was wasting it; what if I like to live comfortably. I think if you can afford to live more comfortably, it is your right. I cook at home because I don't want to waste tons of money on restaurant food. I allocate that money saved from restaurants to energy and women. If you really want to know what the waste of money is, it's taking women on dates. I spent 75-dollars on Sushi the other day, which more than double my electricity bill
Kyle Arsenault Holy shit, that is a waste. I bet you left hungry, too.
Tim Gonzales You know they are asking you this because Texas is experiencing a lot of issues with huge blackouts that are happening? It's been a really hot summer, people have been using more electricity to power their ACs, and they have been having trouble.
The issue with your thought pattern here is that if everyone keeps up doing what your doing you'll wind up sitting in the dark with no AC on a very hot summer.
Carl Clement Don't care, I pay for it, it's my right...
Tim Gonzales I can't wait to see how pissed off you get when they have to shut off your power because they don't have enough. They are just asking you to conserve so they don't have to ration. Stop acting like they are threatening your rights for a service that you chose to utilize over alternatives.
Kyle Arsenault There's also the greater picture point of view, too:
It's your right to waste what's yours, but chances are that power is being generated by consumption fuels that have limited quantities and are incredibly polluting.
Tim Gonzales Also, you don't have a right to use somebody else's services. Just an FYI. You can use it because they let you. Saying you have a right to some business' service is actually socialist.
Carl Clement @Tim, stop being a moron. I pay for it, the more I use the more I pay. It's capitalist, not socialist. And if their electricity goes out, oh well, looks like I am going to go find another electric company. That is the beauty of capitalism, competition.
@Kyle I do not acknowledge pollution arguments because like religion, ghosts, and aliens arguments for and against are mostly faith based...
Craig Arsenault yes it is your right. I don't think anyone is arguing that point. But as people use more and more electricity (man it must be nice to be paying that little a month - my bill was 200 with the thermostat set at 78) to keep thier houses at 56 degrees, the demand will outweigh the supply, and utility companies will be forced to introduce rolling blackouts to prevent brownouts.
Carl Clement Then I will just leave one company and go to another...
Craig Arsenault yes it is your right. I don't think anyone is arguing that point. But as people use more and more electricity (man it must be nice to be paying that little a month - my bill was 200 with the thermostat set at 78) to keep thier houses at 56 degrees, the demand will outweigh the supply, and utility companies will be forced to introduce rolling blackouts to prevent brownouts.
Carl Clement Then I will just leave one company and go to another...
Craig Arsenault And dude, learn how the grid works before you think you can just jump to another provider if brownouts happen.
Kyle Arsenault Ugh. Read more Carl. You ARE a smart guy. Coal fired plants also release:
220 tons of hydrocarbons. Fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons; when they don't burn completely, they are released into the air. They are a cause of smog.
125,000 tons of ash and 193,000 tons of sludge from the smokestack scrubber. A scrubber uses powdered limestone and water to remove pollution from the plant's exhaust. Instead of going into the air, the pollution goes into a landfill or into products like concrete and drywall. This ash and sludge consists of coal ash, limestone, and many pollutants, such as toxic metals like lead and mercury.
225 pounds of arsenic, 114 pounds of lead, 4 pounds of cadmium, and many other toxic heavy metals.
10,000 tons of sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide (SOx) is the main cause of acid rain, which damages forests, lakes and buildings.
10,200 tons of nitrogen oxide. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) is a major cause of smog, and also a cause of acid rain.
Carl Clement It is completely faith based. It assumes that Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant; which it is a greenhouse gas, not a pollutant. And if the world was really concerned about greenhouse gas emissions, then they would tell us to quit meat; because cows are responsible for the largest quantity of Greenhouse gases. The CO as a "pollutant" is just another way to redistribute wealth in the world..
Kyle Arsenault People need meat to live. No one needs an SUV or a motherfucking Hummer.
Craig Arsenault the CO2 is not a pollutant. All the shit coming out of coal stacks is.
I understand you have several options. I do as well, and make the conscious decision to pay an extra cent per kw/h to receive 100% renewable energy. (at least that's where my provider gets their juice from.) Different providers all still use the same lines. So if Green Mountain is your provider, but reliant goes down in your area, and they maintain the lines, your still screwed.
Craig Arsenault Kyle, your wrong there. pretentious asshole douche bag jersey shore fags do.
Craig Arsenault Oh and men with small penises, or woman with oversized clitorises.
Tim Gonzales I hope you realize the severity of the power issue in your state. You're about to get power rationed to you or the rate jacked way up if you don't start cutting back on your energy consumption. Or you'll just be sitting in the dark for a few days.
Zakharov Sawyer Carl, there are many people I know who would make a claim like the one you did above: Never did I ever think you would be one of them. Needless to say, you've lost a bit of respect from me.
Carl Clement It is not your decision nor mine to tell somone what they can and cannot buy. If it's on the market and available, they have a right to buy it.
You are always going to have impacts on the environment no matter what type of energy you use. Unintended consequences of environmentalism have plagued us from nearly a century. Ethanol creates supply shortages that causes all food prices to rise, in the name of environmentalism. Malaria killed thousands because of the crusade against DDT. The Green energy fad has caused factories to produce so inefficiently that they need subsidies to survive. I am not denying that coal is a pollutant, but don't bring global warming into it. It is completely faith based...
Carl Clement
Kyle Arsenault People either die from DDT or malaria. Many more would die from DDT. Also, factories that produce with green energy do so at their choice, and consumers choose to pay more for that feature.
Kyle Arsenault Also, that assumes that the method of generation for a company's electricity somehow plays a role in how effiecient their workers/machines are.
Tim Gonzales I agree that you have the freedom to consume as much energy as you want but the company also has the freedom to cut you off too.
Zakharov Sawyer Carl, can I ask you why you have this "belief" that science if a "belief" based system? I'm trying to comprehend and follow along with your logic here, but I am finding myself challenged in understanding your thought processes here.
Carl Clement But once again it's someone's freedom to buy or use it. It may not be right for me or you; however, that doesn't give me or you the right to tell someone that cannot buy something because we refuse to buy it.
Kyle Arsenault I assume you're talking about DDT there, and if it could cause health problems to me, then yes, it's my right to say they can't use it.
Tim Gonzales Kind of like when you go to the bar and the bartender feels you've had enough. It's not like the energy company gets their power from the Power Fairy. It's a limited resource and when it's gone, it's gone. Their duty right now is to get as many people power as possible, but they can't do it unless people cut back temporarily.
Craig Arsenault Just because its on the market doesn't mean people buy it and/or use it. case in point. ---->
Kyle Arsenault It fucking DOES matter. If water were a limited resource and I caught you watering your goddamn lawn, I'd cut your testicles off.
Zakharov Sawyer Carl, there's a difference between capitalism and a sense of entitlement. As others have said, it's your right to use as much of it as you want, but when they have to cut people off, they will start with the people like you. In effect, it's similar to how Verizon, AT&T and other providers are moving away from Unlimited Bandwidth plans: People abused it. Now they are putting a controlled system in place.
And what isn't a limited resource?
Craig Arsenault I tried to find somehting a little more depraved than that, but not being part of that subculture, I wasn't sure on how to go searching for it.
Carl Clement Everything is a limited resource...
Because it's not science Zac, it's politics that governed science. You should read about the corruption in the global warming science:
Zakharov Sawyer I know all about the corruption in that science, which is why I always get my information from as many sources as possible, including contacting people who work in these industries and fields. I have made many friends this way.
Also Carl, keep in mind: If there's corruption on one side, there's corruption on the other. It's like that with everything. If you deny that, you're worse off then I thought.
Craig Arsenault there have been some enourmous strides in the technology of water filtration systems that require hardly any, or no power at all to operate
Craig Arsenault
Carl Clement And I think if I pay for a service based on a % that I use, then I can use whatever I want. I pay more for more of it. I believe the same for water, because there are other ways to get water. There will always be more water and electrity, no matter how much they make you think there isn't. They can build more plants and/or desalinization plants. Scarcity is an illusion in the US used for political gain...
Craig Arsenault Now, desalinization is something else., but for the most part, its the CLEAN drinking water they dont have.
Craig Arsenault No one has said you cant use it. What were saying is that its a douche bag thing to say. So if your prepared to accept your role in life as a douche bag, then find your way to the nearest spray tanner, set that shit on level "situation", and have fun with life.
Zakharov Sawyer Craig makes a good point.
Not everything is a limited resource. Solar power is technically infinite. Hydroelectric, geothermal, ocean current, solar.
However, "energy" is an abstract concept when it comes to actual existence. Things like water, coal, oil, they ARE limited. I agree that the actual amount may be up to debate, but if you are saying there is an unlimited amount of oil and coal you are technically saying there is an unlimited number of dinosaurs, which we all know is not true.
Kyle Arsenault Yes, you pay more, but when companies are forced to build more plants, they will raise their rates for EVERYBODY to cover the costs.
Carl Clement That's the problem these days. Being free spirited and individualistic gets you the label of douchebag. It's all about being part of "the community."
Kyle Arsenault No, it's not. It's all about not being a wasteful prick. Again, your waste contributes to higher costs for all parties.
Craig Arsenault No its not at all (in regards to part a). As far as part b goes, yes, its about your fellow man. When everyone sets their A/C on polar bear, the blackouts come and then everyone who WAS being responsible now has to suffer.
Zakharov Sawyer Where I am in life, with everything I've done, the work I do now, the intelligence I've gathered, my degrees and the like, I could feel like a self-entitled individual as well. But, I live content within my means. If someone tells me to cut down on something I pay for, I wouldn't feel like they are stepping on my toes. Remember, you are paying for a CONVENIENCE. Something I feel you are taking for granted.
Carl Clement So energy might as well be owned by the government and we be given an energy ration every month so that EVERYONE on the commune can coexist peacefully?
Kyle Arsenault WHo the fuck said anything about that? We're talking about not being wasteful MONUMENTAL difference.
Carl: received an email from Reliant energy asking me and the rest of their customers to conserve energy. I wrote a reply, "LoL, no way. I think because I pay for it I have the right to do what I want with my electicity. We live in a free society, not a collective." #capitalism
Craig Arsenault And its thoughts like that that lead to rolling blackouts and higher energy prices, as well as higher pollution. #douche bag
Carl Clement Nope, environmentalism lies...
Craig Arsenault hahaha So full of capatalism win though.
Kyle Arsenault Besides being wasteful, this isn't twitter.
Carl Clement Who cares, I pay for it; therefore, I can be wasteful. Plus my energy bill is like 25-35 dollars a month because of the heavy competition in the Houston area between energy companies.
Kyle Arsenault I am genuinely shocked to see that attitude coming from you. That's the same mentality that has caused the cost of oil to skyrocket. "Who cares if I'm only getting 8 miles to the gallon? I'm paying for it."
No, we're all paying for it. increased demand will always equal increased prices for goods/services. Those higher prices are paid for by everyone, not just you. That's really just a selfish, stupid attitude to have.
Carl Clement The cost of oil skyrocketed because of the herding mentality on Wallstreet and riskless profiteering. It is always a guarantee to buy oil in the spring and sell in the fall because of the herding mentality of daytraders. Oil is not run by s...
See More
Kyle Arsenault Oil futures ARE however traded based on predictions of demand. That increases the price. Also, I recognize that you pay based on your usage alone, but whenever a company has to deal with increased demand, their operating costs also increase. Must I give an example? wireless telcoms have to invest in more towers and faster technologies to keep up with the large demand from mobile broadband users. You may only use 250MB/month, but 1000 other people using 5GB/month means the company has to act to support that usage. They then charge all of their customers more to offset the higher operational costs.
Carl Clement (1) Oil Futures: How much of that is actual demand and just riskless profiteering? There was no rise in demand when Libya was under turmoil; yet the price of oil jumped drastically. It was a prediction from the supply side and not demand side; however, no oil field was at risk in Libya. Which means a bunch of daytraders used that current event to stage a rise in oil prices.
(2) Regarding your example, that's because wireless telecoms offered unlimited GB plans at the beginning without any regard to cost. Tim Gonzales has an unlimited plan and claims that he will never get rid of it, because it doesn't matter how many GB he uses, he still pays the same (AKA flat rate). It's different with electric because I pay by the KWH; therefore, if I use more KWH, I pay more. That is fair and that is capitalism.
(3) Let's just say they do have higher operational costs because of my overusage that gets passed on to the consumer: That money would go to the hiring of more workers, which increases costs; however, it would also lead to upgrades in facilities which can actually lead to a larger operational decreases. It's not a black and white argument like you think.
I think I proved my point here, peace!

Kyle Arsenault I never said futures are only traded on predictions of demand, but that's a large part of it. Regardless of all else, why waste just because you can?
Carl Clement I never said I was wasting it; what if I like to live comfortably. I think if you can afford to live more comfortably, it is your right. I cook at home because I don't want to waste tons of money on restaurant food. I allocate that money saved from restaurants to energy and women. If you really want to know what the waste of money is, it's taking women on dates. I spent 75-dollars on Sushi the other day, which more than double my electricity bill
Kyle Arsenault Holy shit, that is a waste. I bet you left hungry, too.
Tim Gonzales You know they are asking you this because Texas is experiencing a lot of issues with huge blackouts that are happening? It's been a really hot summer, people have been using more electricity to power their ACs, and they have been having trouble.
The issue with your thought pattern here is that if everyone keeps up doing what your doing you'll wind up sitting in the dark with no AC on a very hot summer.
Carl Clement Don't care, I pay for it, it's my right...
Tim Gonzales I can't wait to see how pissed off you get when they have to shut off your power because they don't have enough. They are just asking you to conserve so they don't have to ration. Stop acting like they are threatening your rights for a service that you chose to utilize over alternatives.
Kyle Arsenault There's also the greater picture point of view, too:
It's your right to waste what's yours, but chances are that power is being generated by consumption fuels that have limited quantities and are incredibly polluting.
Tim Gonzales Also, you don't have a right to use somebody else's services. Just an FYI. You can use it because they let you. Saying you have a right to some business' service is actually socialist.
Carl Clement @Tim, stop being a moron. I pay for it, the more I use the more I pay. It's capitalist, not socialist. And if their electricity goes out, oh well, looks like I am going to go find another electric company. That is the beauty of capitalism, competition.
@Kyle I do not acknowledge pollution arguments because like religion, ghosts, and aliens arguments for and against are mostly faith based...
Craig Arsenault yes it is your right. I don't think anyone is arguing that point. But as people use more and more electricity (man it must be nice to be paying that little a month - my bill was 200 with the thermostat set at 78) to keep thier houses at 56 degrees, the demand will outweigh the supply, and utility companies will be forced to introduce rolling blackouts to prevent brownouts.
Carl Clement Then I will just leave one company and go to another...
Craig Arsenault yes it is your right. I don't think anyone is arguing that point. But as people use more and more electricity (man it must be nice to be paying that little a month - my bill was 200 with the thermostat set at 78) to keep thier houses at 56 degrees, the demand will outweigh the supply, and utility companies will be forced to introduce rolling blackouts to prevent brownouts.
Carl Clement Then I will just leave one company and go to another...
Craig Arsenault And dude, learn how the grid works before you think you can just jump to another provider if brownouts happen.
Kyle Arsenault Ugh. Read more Carl. You ARE a smart guy. Coal fired plants also release:
220 tons of hydrocarbons. Fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons; when they don't burn completely, they are released into the air. They are a cause of smog.
125,000 tons of ash and 193,000 tons of sludge from the smokestack scrubber. A scrubber uses powdered limestone and water to remove pollution from the plant's exhaust. Instead of going into the air, the pollution goes into a landfill or into products like concrete and drywall. This ash and sludge consists of coal ash, limestone, and many pollutants, such as toxic metals like lead and mercury.
225 pounds of arsenic, 114 pounds of lead, 4 pounds of cadmium, and many other toxic heavy metals.
10,000 tons of sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide (SOx) is the main cause of acid rain, which damages forests, lakes and buildings.
10,200 tons of nitrogen oxide. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) is a major cause of smog, and also a cause of acid rain.
Carl Clement It is completely faith based. It assumes that Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant; which it is a greenhouse gas, not a pollutant. And if the world was really concerned about greenhouse gas emissions, then they would tell us to quit meat; because cows are responsible for the largest quantity of Greenhouse gases. The CO as a "pollutant" is just another way to redistribute wealth in the world..
Kyle Arsenault People need meat to live. No one needs an SUV or a motherfucking Hummer.
Craig Arsenault the CO2 is not a pollutant. All the shit coming out of coal stacks is.
I understand you have several options. I do as well, and make the conscious decision to pay an extra cent per kw/h to receive 100% renewable energy. (at least that's where my provider gets their juice from.) Different providers all still use the same lines. So if Green Mountain is your provider, but reliant goes down in your area, and they maintain the lines, your still screwed.
Craig Arsenault Kyle, your wrong there. pretentious asshole douche bag jersey shore fags do.
Craig Arsenault Oh and men with small penises, or woman with oversized clitorises.
Tim Gonzales I hope you realize the severity of the power issue in your state. You're about to get power rationed to you or the rate jacked way up if you don't start cutting back on your energy consumption. Or you'll just be sitting in the dark for a few days.
Zakharov Sawyer Carl, there are many people I know who would make a claim like the one you did above: Never did I ever think you would be one of them. Needless to say, you've lost a bit of respect from me.
Carl Clement It is not your decision nor mine to tell somone what they can and cannot buy. If it's on the market and available, they have a right to buy it.
You are always going to have impacts on the environment no matter what type of energy you use. Unintended consequences of environmentalism have plagued us from nearly a century. Ethanol creates supply shortages that causes all food prices to rise, in the name of environmentalism. Malaria killed thousands because of the crusade against DDT. The Green energy fad has caused factories to produce so inefficiently that they need subsidies to survive. I am not denying that coal is a pollutant, but don't bring global warming into it. It is completely faith based...
Carl Clement
Kyle Arsenault People either die from DDT or malaria. Many more would die from DDT. Also, factories that produce with green energy do so at their choice, and consumers choose to pay more for that feature.
Kyle Arsenault Also, that assumes that the method of generation for a company's electricity somehow plays a role in how effiecient their workers/machines are.
Tim Gonzales I agree that you have the freedom to consume as much energy as you want but the company also has the freedom to cut you off too.
Zakharov Sawyer Carl, can I ask you why you have this "belief" that science if a "belief" based system? I'm trying to comprehend and follow along with your logic here, but I am finding myself challenged in understanding your thought processes here.
Carl Clement But once again it's someone's freedom to buy or use it. It may not be right for me or you; however, that doesn't give me or you the right to tell someone that cannot buy something because we refuse to buy it.
Kyle Arsenault I assume you're talking about DDT there, and if it could cause health problems to me, then yes, it's my right to say they can't use it.
Tim Gonzales Kind of like when you go to the bar and the bartender feels you've had enough. It's not like the energy company gets their power from the Power Fairy. It's a limited resource and when it's gone, it's gone. Their duty right now is to get as many people power as possible, but they can't do it unless people cut back temporarily.
Craig Arsenault Just because its on the market doesn't mean people buy it and/or use it. case in point. ---->
Kyle Arsenault It fucking DOES matter. If water were a limited resource and I caught you watering your goddamn lawn, I'd cut your testicles off.
Zakharov Sawyer Carl, there's a difference between capitalism and a sense of entitlement. As others have said, it's your right to use as much of it as you want, but when they have to cut people off, they will start with the people like you. In effect, it's similar to how Verizon, AT&T and other providers are moving away from Unlimited Bandwidth plans: People abused it. Now they are putting a controlled system in place.
And what isn't a limited resource?
Craig Arsenault I tried to find somehting a little more depraved than that, but not being part of that subculture, I wasn't sure on how to go searching for it.
Carl Clement Everything is a limited resource...
Because it's not science Zac, it's politics that governed science. You should read about the corruption in the global warming science:
Zakharov Sawyer I know all about the corruption in that science, which is why I always get my information from as many sources as possible, including contacting people who work in these industries and fields. I have made many friends this way.
Also Carl, keep in mind: If there's corruption on one side, there's corruption on the other. It's like that with everything. If you deny that, you're worse off then I thought.
Craig Arsenault there have been some enourmous strides in the technology of water filtration systems that require hardly any, or no power at all to operate
Craig Arsenault
Carl Clement And I think if I pay for a service based on a % that I use, then I can use whatever I want. I pay more for more of it. I believe the same for water, because there are other ways to get water. There will always be more water and electrity, no matter how much they make you think there isn't. They can build more plants and/or desalinization plants. Scarcity is an illusion in the US used for political gain...
Craig Arsenault Now, desalinization is something else., but for the most part, its the CLEAN drinking water they dont have.
Craig Arsenault No one has said you cant use it. What were saying is that its a douche bag thing to say. So if your prepared to accept your role in life as a douche bag, then find your way to the nearest spray tanner, set that shit on level "situation", and have fun with life.
Zakharov Sawyer Craig makes a good point.
Not everything is a limited resource. Solar power is technically infinite. Hydroelectric, geothermal, ocean current, solar.
However, "energy" is an abstract concept when it comes to actual existence. Things like water, coal, oil, they ARE limited. I agree that the actual amount may be up to debate, but if you are saying there is an unlimited amount of oil and coal you are technically saying there is an unlimited number of dinosaurs, which we all know is not true.
Kyle Arsenault Yes, you pay more, but when companies are forced to build more plants, they will raise their rates for EVERYBODY to cover the costs.
Carl Clement That's the problem these days. Being free spirited and individualistic gets you the label of douchebag. It's all about being part of "the community."
Kyle Arsenault No, it's not. It's all about not being a wasteful prick. Again, your waste contributes to higher costs for all parties.
Craig Arsenault No its not at all (in regards to part a). As far as part b goes, yes, its about your fellow man. When everyone sets their A/C on polar bear, the blackouts come and then everyone who WAS being responsible now has to suffer.
Zakharov Sawyer Where I am in life, with everything I've done, the work I do now, the intelligence I've gathered, my degrees and the like, I could feel like a self-entitled individual as well. But, I live content within my means. If someone tells me to cut down on something I pay for, I wouldn't feel like they are stepping on my toes. Remember, you are paying for a CONVENIENCE. Something I feel you are taking for granted.
Carl Clement So energy might as well be owned by the government and we be given an energy ration every month so that EVERYONE on the commune can coexist peacefully?
Kyle Arsenault WHo the fuck said anything about that? We're talking about not being wasteful MONUMENTAL difference.
And to think this guy served in Afghanistan... (Blog Post)
There's three more for the whole thread after the break.

Those damn fascists (Blog Post)
Up at the Grand Canyon (Blog Post)

And since landscapes look better in higher res:
Got the most ridiculous email forward today. (Blog Post)
"John Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock
for 6 am.
While his coffeepot
was perking, he shaved with his
electric razor
He put on a
dress shirt
designer jeans
tennis shoes
After cooking his breakfast in his new
electric skillet
he sat down with his
to see how much he could spend today. After setting his
to the radio
he got in his car
filled it with GAS
(from Saudi Arabia )
and continued his search
for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.
At the end of yet another discouraging
and fruitless day
checking his Computer
(made in MALAYSIA ),
John decided to relax for a while.
He put on his sandals
poured himself a glass of wine
and turned on his TV
and then wondered why he can't
find a good paying job
You gotta keep this one circulating!"
Um, he was born in Hawaii. An American state. Even fucking TRUMP admitted it.
for 6 am.
While his coffeepot
was perking, he shaved with his
electric razor
He put on a
dress shirt
designer jeans
tennis shoes
After cooking his breakfast in his new
electric skillet
he sat down with his
to see how much he could spend today. After setting his
to the radio
he got in his car
filled it with GAS
(from Saudi Arabia )
and continued his search
for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.
At the end of yet another discouraging
and fruitless day
checking his Computer
(made in MALAYSIA ),
John decided to relax for a while.
He put on his sandals
poured himself a glass of wine
and turned on his TV
and then wondered why he can't
find a good paying job
You gotta keep this one circulating!"
Um, he was born in Hawaii. An American state. Even fucking TRUMP admitted it.
Philly cop threatens to shoot man legally carrying a gun (Blog Post)
An innocent man could have died there.
This is why we Americans need to hold onto our 2nd Amendment rights. For as long as those who enforce laws carry, we too shall carry to ensure our freedoms do not become trampled.
An innocent man could have died there.
This is why we Americans need to hold onto our 2nd Amendment rights. For as long as those who enforce laws carry, we too shall carry to ensure our freedoms do not become trampled.
LOL "Soon" (Blog Post)
Was playing Duke Nukem 3D and beat it tonight. Saw this and LOL'd.

If 16 years is "soon" then WWII happened just a little while ago and our revolutionary war was not too long ago.

If 16 years is "soon" then WWII happened just a little while ago and our revolutionary war was not too long ago.
Fuck you, TSA. Don't try to get cute with me. (Blog Post)
My Jack-O-Lantern (Blog Post)
I carved this bad boy for the carving contest at work. Took me 8.5 hours, but I won $50 from it.

WEED - I don't smoke it, but I voted for it (Blog Post)
Hell, with a permanently dislocated clavicle, I could even qualify for it, even though I don't really want it. I voted to approve medical marijuana here in Arizona today. I don't care if it IS a back-door to legalization. I hope it is. We spend too much money fighting it from start (drug war) to finish (persecution and imprisonment). I don't care if the real numbers of money gained from legal pot are 95% lower than projected. It's still 5% more than nothing, not to mention the money saved from fighting it. Prohibition didn't work in the 20s with alcohol. Do you honestly think making it illegal stops people?
Cooking with Kyle: Baking like a man (Blog Post)
Created this little gem last night whilst trying to bake some whoopie pies.

Pranks in the lab (Blog Post)
I went into work yesterday, feeling pretty good. I had gotten a solid eight hours of sleep and was refreshed and ready for the day. I go to put my lab coat on and start the day, only to find that my sleeves had been stapled shut after I left the previous night. Pardon the image quality. My phone camera thinks it's 2001. Any one have any ideas for revenge? I've tried taking the bolts out of the perpetrator's chair, but I did a test sit and sure enough it stayed up. I'm thinking about replacing the Mountain Dew in her cans with salted seltzer water.

OKay! The rest of my pictures from Afghanistan. (Blog Post)
Okay! Well, I left Camp Leatherneck at 12:30 in the morning my time on the 5th, which was 3:pm Eastern on the 4th. By the time I got to sleep I had been up for well over 24 hours, so I needed to go to bed. The transit base here is pretty nice and has rockin' wi-fi, so I've been able to take some time to upload some. So here they are, folks, if you really care. Pictures follow descriptions.
This is me by my HMMWV after going out the first day it rained. The dirt roads were nothing but mud and I was the gunner, so all the water that splashed up came directly all over me.

Me in the turret of the 7-Ton troop carrier

In the back of the HMMWV

I walked in the tent and they told me to try a dog biscuit. Said it tasted like goldfish. I said it tasted like jerky. Then AJ (the brit) said to try it with peanut butter, so
we did. We were less than thrilled with the outcome.

A game of checkers some students made for a Valentine's care package

My post at the Gravel pit from on top of the gravel pile

One of the truck drivers had a pet moneky. Naturally, I had to feed it a banana.

A stereotypical Jingle truck. At the end is a video of why we call it a jingle truck. All of the individual colors are stickers that have been cut and applied by hand. Gotta
admit that there's a lot of work in some of these.

Outside the coffe shop over on Camp Bastion. We'd hang out there with our
British counterparts after work on a lot of days.

Riding the C-130 from Kyrgyzstan over to Camp Bastion/Leatherneck

One of the cakes that was served on the Marine Corps birthday (November 10, 1775)

My rifle at Christmas with battery operated LED christmas lights

Some of the food displays for the Christmas feast

Chow hall sentry during Christmas

A cake


Me out front of our Christmas tree (I have NO idea where they got it from) on Christmas day at the MEP enjoying a hot cup of Earl Grey. And we frosted the tree with white spray

The Marines of my MEP crew, along with a couple of British Dog handlers

A Danish tank that came through. Thought it looked awesome.

We got a Mercedes emblem from one of the trucks and tied it to our HMMWV

I put this picture in there because there isn't much to to in Afghanistan, and as such I spent a lot of my time in the gym working out.

Lara (the Peruvian guy holding my shirt up) came into my hooch with some Bahranis and as I recall, he was busting my balls about standing around in my underwear. One of the
Bahrainis took this picture, and I loved the look on his face. The whole thing is so absurd it had to go up. You can see my mini tree in the back.

This is Sam Khan, one of the Bahrain Special Security Forces that came over to help us out. Some of us became pretty good friends in the short time they were there.

Where there's a will, there's a way. THis is what I affectionately call "Hajji
Magic" - or the result of some off-the-wall ingenuity to make something work that seemingly shouldn't.

Pat, Raja, Me, Loco, and Lara

All of the Bahrainis that we worked with and us on their last night in Afghanistan

Justin and I next to a Jingle truck

Playing Uno with Loco, Sam, and Ali

Duke, the bomb dog agreed to pose for us.

Lara and I above the Bahraini commander

In my turret with my 240B

Loco in my HMMWV

Okay. This is the reason Jingle trucks get their names. It's either little bells like this, or small pieces of metal on the end of the chain, usually shaped like a heart or a diamond.
This is me by my HMMWV after going out the first day it rained. The dirt roads were nothing but mud and I was the gunner, so all the water that splashed up came directly all over me.

Me in the turret of the 7-Ton troop carrier

In the back of the HMMWV

I walked in the tent and they told me to try a dog biscuit. Said it tasted like goldfish. I said it tasted like jerky. Then AJ (the brit) said to try it with peanut butter, so
we did. We were less than thrilled with the outcome.

A game of checkers some students made for a Valentine's care package

My post at the Gravel pit from on top of the gravel pile

One of the truck drivers had a pet moneky. Naturally, I had to feed it a banana.

A stereotypical Jingle truck. At the end is a video of why we call it a jingle truck. All of the individual colors are stickers that have been cut and applied by hand. Gotta
admit that there's a lot of work in some of these.

Outside the coffe shop over on Camp Bastion. We'd hang out there with our
British counterparts after work on a lot of days.

Riding the C-130 from Kyrgyzstan over to Camp Bastion/Leatherneck

One of the cakes that was served on the Marine Corps birthday (November 10, 1775)

My rifle at Christmas with battery operated LED christmas lights

Some of the food displays for the Christmas feast

Chow hall sentry during Christmas

A cake


Me out front of our Christmas tree (I have NO idea where they got it from) on Christmas day at the MEP enjoying a hot cup of Earl Grey. And we frosted the tree with white spray

The Marines of my MEP crew, along with a couple of British Dog handlers

A Danish tank that came through. Thought it looked awesome.

We got a Mercedes emblem from one of the trucks and tied it to our HMMWV

I put this picture in there because there isn't much to to in Afghanistan, and as such I spent a lot of my time in the gym working out.

Lara (the Peruvian guy holding my shirt up) came into my hooch with some Bahranis and as I recall, he was busting my balls about standing around in my underwear. One of the
Bahrainis took this picture, and I loved the look on his face. The whole thing is so absurd it had to go up. You can see my mini tree in the back.

This is Sam Khan, one of the Bahrain Special Security Forces that came over to help us out. Some of us became pretty good friends in the short time they were there.

Where there's a will, there's a way. THis is what I affectionately call "Hajji
Magic" - or the result of some off-the-wall ingenuity to make something work that seemingly shouldn't.

Pat, Raja, Me, Loco, and Lara

All of the Bahrainis that we worked with and us on their last night in Afghanistan

Justin and I next to a Jingle truck

Playing Uno with Loco, Sam, and Ali

Duke, the bomb dog agreed to pose for us.

Lara and I above the Bahraini commander

In my turret with my 240B

Loco in my HMMWV

Okay. This is the reason Jingle trucks get their names. It's either little bells like this, or small pieces of metal on the end of the chain, usually shaped like a heart or a diamond.
Back in Kyrgyzstan! (Blog Post)
And on my way home from that shithole known as Helmand province, Afghanistan! My last couple of months have been a little boring, so I don't have many pictures from them, but I have a few that will go up when I get back to the states and have some down time. I hope y'all weren't too lonely without me!
More photos/explanation of what I do here (Blog Post)
Well, these are the first photos of me at my new base doing my job. My responsibilities are to search the trucks for contraband, which includes (among the obvious things as bombs, drugs and weapons) knives, lighters/matches, propane tanks, aerosol cans, pressure cookers, cell phones, loose wires and electronics, batteries. The last five (starting with cookers) are all material that can be used to construct an IED and as such are confiscated. Only the cookers are given back to the drivers when they leave. The trucks smell like cigarettes, B.O and ass, but overall, it's not that bad of a job. I like the people I work with, the hours I work are ok, and there's a high probability that I'll get to go home with all limbs where they should be. The only thing that really sucks is that we don't get days off at all, so there's little time to relax. I doubt I'll get any more pictures of interest, but if I do, I'll be sure to post them.
The second one is of me wearing a Brit boonie cover holding their rifle. If you look closely, you can see my clean raccoon eyes. The rest of my face was uncovered by my goggles and as such is covered in dirt from riding in the turret of the humvee.
The last four are of me searching a truck, with the first of them being the truck I'm in.

The second one is of me wearing a Brit boonie cover holding their rifle. If you look closely, you can see my clean raccoon eyes. The rest of my face was uncovered by my goggles and as such is covered in dirt from riding in the turret of the humvee.
The last four are of me searching a truck, with the first of them being the truck I'm in.

An update from Afghanistan (Blog Post)
Well, I have time enough to post a short blog, and a few pictures to go with it. My camera does not work, so I've only a few to put up. I'm at my new base and I got a pretty good assignment here. I'm doing the same thing that I was doing at FOB Dwyre - pulling Afghani cargo vehicles in and searching them - and it's a pretty good deal. We work from 7 am until about 11:30 and them from 2:00 until about 5:00. in that generous lunch break we can take the Humvee to the British base and go to their PX, use their internet center which is much faster and has almost zero line. From there I have plenty of time to go to the gym and shower and eat when I get off and not worry about getting on the internet at night and having to wait on a huge line. Plus, I'm working with British Royal Air Force - they're the ones that actually search the drivers - I just do the vehicles. It's really cool to hang out with and talk to them. Their lingo is a hoot. Plus they have some delicious tea there at the guard shack, and that's nice because it's really cold in the morning - probably 45 or so - maybe less degrees out. It may not seem all that cold but it was over 100 when I got here. So until my camera works, all I have for you are these. The one of me holding the shirt is what's left of my favorite t-shirt. I opened my sea bag to find three mice staring me in the face. So I dug through all of my gear to get the little bastards out (five total) and found my t shirt in ruins. A week later I went back in there to find four more. I put a plastic bag over the top, and even though they can chew right through it, I didn't have a problem after.

I'll post more if/when I get anything of interest.

I'll post more if/when I get anything of interest.