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Member Since: August 13, 2006
Last Power Points used: December 3, 2012
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Comments to Laekroth

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 90 stars, earning you status of Gold Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

kronosposeidon says...

Taking over the world? Better I should focus on taking over my life first.

In reply to this comment by Laekroth:
Maybe dutch people usually are quiet, except when they're on holiday in a foreign country and start shouting to each other in the super market how cheap the products are. *horrorshow

I can't speak for sanderbos and Eklek ofcourse, but I'm certainly planning to take over the world. Which would explain my inactivity from the Sift time to time. If you ever plan on taking over the world, realize that it takes a big chunk of your spare time...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
LOL! Those are goed, ja?

I never knew you were Dutch. That's at least three Dutch sifters whom I now know of: Eklek, sanderbos, and now you. You're all pretty quiet too. What are you all up to? Is there some Dutch fifth-column movement going on here?

I've got my eye on you Dutchies.

In reply to this comment by Laekroth:
LOL! Nice video krono. They did forget some essential sentences by the way, like:

"I'm wearing two left clumps" - "Ik draag twee linker klompen"
"The library is full of tar" - "De bibliotheek zit vol teer"
"Your hamsters do that funky dance" - "Uw hamsters doen die funky dans"
"Your axe is swift stewardess" - "Uw bijl is snel stewardess"
"The lemming is driving recklessly" - "Die lemming rijdt roekeloos"
"Your infant has swallowed my grenade" - "Uw kind heeft mijn granaat ingeslikt"

and ofcourse:
"There are tiremarks on your forehead" - "Er staan remsporen op uw voorhoofd"

See you in Holland!

kronosposeidon says...

LOL! Those are goed, ja?

I never knew you were Dutch. That's at least three Dutch sifters whom I now know of: Eklek, sanderbos, and now you. You're all pretty quiet too. What are you all up to? Is there some Dutch fifth-column movement going on here?

I've got my eye on you Dutchies.

In reply to this comment by Laekroth:
LOL! Nice video krono. They did forget some essential sentences by the way, like:

"I'm wearing two left clumps" - "Ik draag twee linker klompen"
"The library is full of tar" - "De bibliotheek zit vol teer"
"Your hamsters do that funky dance" - "Uw hamsters doen die funky dans"
"Your axe is swift stewardess" - "Uw bijl is snel stewardess"
"The lemming is driving recklessly" - "Die lemming rijdt roekeloos"
"Your infant has swallowed my grenade" - "Uw kind heeft mijn granaat ingeslikt"

and ofcourse:
"There are tiremarks on your forehead" - "Er staan remsporen op uw voorhoofd"

See you in Holland!

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