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Member Since: November 15, 2007
Last Power Points used: October 17, 2012
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Comments to JTZ

Kerotan says...

In reply to this comment by JTZ:
I downvoted it for you. I wasn't going to vote either way, but you gone through the trouble of typing all that reasoning, I should reward that =x

Now excuse me for the shameless plugging to follow:
http://www.videosift.com/video/Inochi-Takashi-Murakamis-Creation watch it and enjoy!

In reply to this comment by Kerotan:
I upvote almost everything that I come across, but I can't seriously upvote this, since quite frankly it only could find a home in the terrible channel and even then, terrible videos are usually so terrible that they are funny, however this is just poor. But I can't downvote it either since I lack the bronze, so I have to abstain.

Let that be the yard stick of which to measure this video by, a person who upvotes every video they watch, didn't upvote this video.

That is how bad it is.

Also P.S.

I notice Ant downvoted this video but is that really surprising?

Thanks for the donated downvote.

JAPR says...

Glad to see your Polysics vid made it! I'm not personally a fan, but they do have a few really catchy songs, that being one of them. If you like Polysics, you should check out Vola & The Oriental Machine. The two tour together a lot.

Krupo says...

I will definitely look that stuff up, thanks!

In reply to this comment by JTZ:
Pendulum is one of the last "drum and bass" electronic band around. They work a lot with Prodigy, whom you probably are more familiar with. It is titled Slam from their cd "hold your colour". Pretty good album, worth getting it.

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