Fjnbk US

Member Profile

Channel: One Nation Under Truthiness
Birthdate: May 1st
A little about me...
I like turtles, classical music, animation, videogames, politics, clever ideas, and several other things that I forgot to mention. One day I shall return.

Member Since: January 18, 2007
Last Power Points used: October 25, 2010
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Comments to Fjnbk

gwiz665 says...

Just kill it then, and use "huludotcom" embeds.

In reply to this comment by Fjnbk:
Garr... Dead again. The history of my video is bizarre. It was originally a seven minute clip, but Fox has removed all the YouTube versions.

I'm not quite sure what to do, since the video that everyone voted for is not the same as the clips that remain. I'd leave your video up for now, maybe I'll just let mine die or change its name and description to match the "Think Differently" part of the episode.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Hey mate, is the same as your ?

If it is just take that embed and write me back so I can kill mine.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on improving your rank. You are now ranked #47. You have left user BicycleRepairMan in your dust. Keep up the good work!

siftbot says...

Congratulations on improving your rank. You are now ranked #47. You have left user BicycleRepairMan in your dust. Keep up the good work!

siftbot says...

Congratulations on improving your rank. You are now ranked #48. You have left user raven in your dust. Keep up the good work!

siftbot says...

Congratulations on improving your rank. You are now ranked #48. You have left user raven in your dust. Keep up the good work!

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