Member Profile
Birthdate: February 8th
A little about me...
Member Since: March 21, 2007
Last Power Points used: July 31, 2009
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Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
Pragmatist with Libertarian ideals
Piano, Guitar, Jazz Sax, techno, Tae Kwon Do, and video games. yay!
Things that annoy me:
-Disrespectful or otherwise rude people.
-Ignorant or otherwise moronic people.
-Most conspiracy theorists. (This means you, Rosie)
-Most activists. (This means you, Cindy)
-Religion bashers.
-America bashers.
-Whiny victim types.
-Anti-science types.
-Keith Obermann, Sean Hannity, Pat Condell, and Richard Dawkins.
-PETA, the RIAA, the ACLU, and CAIR.
-Those dang melt-sealed, bleed-you-to-death plastic packages everything seems to come in.
A recent favorite quote: Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."
--John 6:28-29

Piano, Guitar, Jazz Sax, techno, Tae Kwon Do, and video games. yay!
Things that annoy me:
-Disrespectful or otherwise rude people.
-Ignorant or otherwise moronic people.
-Most conspiracy theorists. (This means you, Rosie)
-Most activists. (This means you, Cindy)
-Religion bashers.
-America bashers.
-Whiny victim types.
-Anti-science types.
-Keith Obermann, Sean Hannity, Pat Condell, and Richard Dawkins.
-PETA, the RIAA, the ACLU, and CAIR.
-Those dang melt-sealed, bleed-you-to-death plastic packages everything seems to come in.
A recent favorite quote: Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."
--John 6:28-29

Member Since: March 21, 2007
Last Power Points used: July 31, 2009
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
My future avatar is now in your hands
You seem to have a taste for guitar artistry, according to that awesome new playlist you started. You ever check out Dinosaur Jr, by any chance? Mascis is a brilliant guitarist.
Roast IV begins Monday, January 28, 2008 at 8:00 PM, GMT.
Roastee: MINK
Master of Ceremonies: jonny
Look for jonny’s launch post.
Nice sifts with those Justin King posts. The guy has some massive talent, and he's a great musician all around. He's currently doing music in a very melodic light rock band called Justin King and the Apologies. You should check them out.
ping http://www.videosift.com/video/Rabbits-in-Prison-6-10

newbie in need, cool vid
The third roast begins Friday, December 21, 2007 at 9:30ish PM, PST.
Roastee: karaidl
Master of Ceremonies: rottenseed
Look for rottenseed’s kick-off post.
I didn't want to crowd that thread with an offshoot conversation.
So I'm a little confused. you wrote that "there are most certainly dangers and side-effects to vaccines".
How did you come to this conclusion ?
I would assume that you read or researched something of high enough quality of scientific nature as to warrant that belief.
If so, We are "essentialy" saying the same thing. But, "Most" people have not heard that there are dangers and side-effects to vaccines. "Most" people parrot the view that vaccines are absolutely safe and effective (note the use of the word absolutely) thus leading some in power to try and force vaccinations on those who do not want them. Seriously, this is the USA, there should be no forced vaccinations much less jailtime and fines)
there had to be concrete evidence that persuaded you to have that view.
please tell me more.
I will be the first to admit that it is very time consuming and hard to sift the wheat from the chaff in terms of credible information. As an example look at this article
(at first glance I could see why someone would buy into the cdc's assertions, but then other scientist who are more critical looked at not only the data but how that data was obtained) So, who does one believe ? Well initially most everyone in this country would believe the CDC, those who follow these types of issue further might become exposed to the critical review and admonishment of the cdc study and then make up their own mind with more complete information.
Nothing wrong with that right ? I mean isn't that how science is suppose to play out ?
I too dislike websites that speak out against global warming, 9/11, evolution, HIV causing AIDS. They seem too far out on the fringe, conspiratorial and from the little I've seen and read they do not base their assertions on science or reason. The global warming in particular because of the mass evidence of collusion between industry and the ANTI global warming voices.
That being said. The reason my stance is the way it is on Fluoride and Vaccines boils down to this... Collusion (and the implications of it)
So how is one supposed to "trust" what the government (or industry) asserts about the safety and efficacy of vaccines ? This is similar to you being skeptical of anti-vaccination sources. Even more outlandish collusion can be found in the book EVIDENCE OF HARM, by David Kirby http://www.evidenceofharm.com/reviews.htm
Also, That Rolling Stone article DEADLY IMMUNITY, I keep refering to is damning for a number of reasons. The main one being evidence of massive collusion (AGAIN!) between government and the vaccine industry. Please read it for yourself and draw your own conclusions. I would seriously be interested in seeing if any of the evidence provided disturbs you.
let me touch quickly on the subject of Fluoride. I've quoted scientists, government agencies, scientific studies and scientific journals to backup my claims. The lynchpin of the pro-fluoride arguement was flawed from the begining. Chrostopher Bryson, who wrote The Fluoride Deception. outlines (with original 1st hand documents) collusion between government agencies and industry scientists to "fix" the results when the whole fluoridation issue first started to get pushed on the U.S. population.
feel free to download and peruse the book for yourself
Thanks for your time, patience and willingness to discuss this issue with me.
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Which is something the both of you have not acknowledged
oops. I'll be more clear.
There are most certainly dangers and side-effects to vaccines.
But, they are worth the risk in my opinion and in the opinion of most biomedical scientist and medical doctors. MOST vaccines are effective if administered and boosted properly.
I just think that sites like novaccine.com are determined to stop vaccination in a strikingly similar way to most other activism websites, be them poopooing global warming, 9/11, evolution, or whatever. Heck, I found a site that said HIV doesn't cause AIDS and it argued it with equal passion. Don't get me started on that.
and kindly forgive my temper tantrum if you would be so kind.
Lets just say I wont remove my ignorance tag.
band called Venus but if they have anything released it's not available to the American public yet.
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
oh, and help me on the music...
Hobart Institute of Welding Technology?
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Aych Ay Dubya Tee
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Thanks Doc - we may need to do this kind of fundraiser from time to time- unless we can figure out a way to Make VideoSift be self-sustaining in some other way. I appreciate it.
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Also, on the issue of $$ for the servers, if you're on the edge in the end, let me know, I might be able to spare some more to keep it going. I really value this venue. I can't say that I'll be there if you need $10,000 but if you need some lesser volume some time, I might be able to accommodate.
hey again doc!
just want you to know, most of my earlier post was, in fact, sincere. 
particularly regarding your DV comments. i have a lot more respect for the people dumping a clip, when they tell you why. appreciated. peace!
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Yeah, sorry for the 2 DV's...
interesting choice of what to complain about, given your choice of avatar pic...
i'm just glad you're not too downvote-happy, y'know, where religion is concerned. comments always appreciated!
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Pathetic animation,...
thanks for replying to my questions. I'll be reading that today and hope to get back to you soon. Gold Star whoo hoo !
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
BTW, Gratz on the gold star!
I think I was looking for Monty Python clips and noticed the headline.
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
OMG, where did you find this. Fantastic.
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