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Member Since: January 17, 2007
Last Power Points used: November 30, 2011
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Comments to Chaucer

NordlichReiter says...

That is used to give the "victim" and attacker time to compose themselves before attack to lessen the danger. If the victim doesn't move fast enough he is going to get clobbered. Ive been struck with a bokken at least 5 times in 8 months of training in this school. There are some partners in this school that will miss on purpose most videos show that. What you don't see are the ones who actually intend to hit the victim. I can attest to the sentence before this one: broken nose, and large mouse on my eyebrow.

In reply to this comment by Chaucer:
swing.. long pause.. swing.. long pause.

Doesnt seem like much danger to me.

Chaucer says...

you're right. after thinking about it earlier, I realized that I remembered seeing the Venus de Milo in the Louvre. I just havent bothered to fix my post.

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