AdrianBlack US

Member Profile

Real Name: Adrian
Channel: Death
Birthdate: December 20th, 1972 (52 years old)
A little about me...
Photobucket.....On Siftvacation. Be back soon.

Member Since: September 27, 2010
Favorite Sift: The Separation
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Last Power Points used: February 4, 2012
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Power Points at Recharge: 1   Get More Power Points Now!

Comments to AdrianBlack

BoneRemake says...

I like explanation points, and cannabis.

I just read that in the message I sent you yesterday, Something looked a little off now that I am not high as holy hell.

explanation point...hahahahahahahah

exclamation mark is what I was going for.


MrConrads says...

Cool. I just wanted to make sure there weren't any brilliant ones languishing out there in "no self linking land." : p

Thanks for going through my surplus of a pq by the way!

In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
No, I do not do any animation, but I absolutely adore them.
I dabble a bit in some artistic pursuits, but nothing as wonderful as the sifts I find to post.

Yes! I really liked El Empleo as well! I felt bad for him when he laid down to be a doormat, though, lol.

In reply to this comment by MrConrads:
My pleasure! All that animation begs the question though, do you do any yourself?
By the way I absolutely loved El Empleo!

In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
Aw, going though my pq toybox again I see, thank you Mr. Conrads!

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