No Torture Needed -- Cookies Did the Job (Blog Post)


from Editor&Publisher



Cookie1 Fascinating piece coming in tomorrow's TIME magazine. Reporter Bobby Ghosh writes, “The most successful interrogation of an al-Qaeda operative by U.S. officials required no sleep deprivation, no slapping or ‘walling’ and no waterboarding. All it took to soften up Abu Jandal, who had been closer to Osama bin Laden than any other terrorist ever captured, was a handful of sugar-free cookies.”

Former interrogator/member of the FBI Ali Soufan, who testified to Congress last month, tells TIME: “He was a diabetic ... We had showed him respect, and we had done this nice thing for him .... So he started talking to us instead of giving us lectures.” Ghosh points out,  “Defenders of the Bush program, most notably Cheney, say the use of waterboarding produced actionable intelligence that helped the U.S. disrupt terrorist plots. But the experiences of officials like Soufan suggest that the utility of torture is limited at best and counterproductive at worst.”

Videosift is "DANGEROUS" (Blog Post)

Hey everyone LISTEN

Did you hear about me accidentally calling a dupeof on a video? NO? WELL HOLEEEE COW I DID!! 

I just want to alert everyone to how "DANGEROUS" and "BONE CHILLING" and "NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCELIKE" something like this can be.

This "Danger" is lurking around every corner. Don't let the dupeof invocation fall into the hands of TERRORISTS or then the Videosift website will become nothing but a battleground for lunatics in a race to see who can tear this place apart the fastest!




Videosift is "DANGEROUS" (Blog Post)

Hey everyone LISTEN

Did you hear about me accidentally calling a dupeof on a video? NO? WELL HOLEEEE COW I DID!! 

I just want to alert everyone to how "DANGEROUS" and "BONE CHILLING" and "NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCELIKE" something like this can be.

This "Danger" is lurking around every corner. Don't let the dupeof invocation fall into the hands of TERRORISTS or then the Videosift website will become nothing but a battleground for lunatics in a race to see who can tear this place apart the fastest!




Classic is (W)Horrible (Blog Post)

After using the dark theme for VS since- oh hell, I dunno -when señor Lucky760/Dag/Whoeverthefuck let us give it a whirl, it's all I've used. I don't know VS as anything other than a nice, dark, experience.

Today I switched to the gay-ass "classic" mode for about nine seconds, and suddenly life sucks.Because of the horribleness of the blinding white void.

That is all.

How and When Unions Are Awesome (Blog Post)

As some of you know, I work as a painter and designer for major motion-picture and tv animated productions.

The studio I currently work at is a union shop (MPSC 839).

Since union work means awesome insurance plans, very high pay rates, excellent vacation and materinty leave time, plus the benefits of worker rights and protection from unpaid overtime demands, unfair firing and layoffs etc, our studio attracts some of the best and most talented artists in the industry.

As a result of having such talented artists and creators, our studio has been the #1 TV animation studio for years now. We have three cabinets in our lobby with dozens of emmy's, and dozens of other awards from pretty much everyone you can win one from. One of our projects generates over $1billion dollars of revenue per year.

Our staff is happy, fun, and most will stay at this studio until retirement (or until being plucked away by Pixar or Lucas studios).

My friends who don't work at union studios, work more buy are paid less, get fired more, hate their jobs, and the studios pump out garbage year after year after year.


Sure, I'd rather just not work at all. But since I have to and I understand what piles of feces corporate executives can be are, I will only work in union shops.



Face Melters Mixtape - Wonky Electronics (Blog Post)

I am seriously digging this Face Melters mix.

For those that dont' know, there's a new sound in the underground, mostly coming out of London called "Wonk" (or Wonky). It's basically a combination of hip-hop, dubstep, IDM and a few other genres tossed in. But some of the tunes from this genre are really blowing my mind.

Flying Lotus, Sluggabed and Hud Mo are just stellar examples.


Tracklisting in the comments

Ron Paul is Even More Out-Of-Touch Than Expected (Bruno Related) (Blog Post)

"PAUL: We were in a studio situation. I wasn't invited to a hotel room. A studio situation where they had a lot of lights burn and blaze and all kinds of commotion. They said -- better get in this back room here. And all of a sudden, I was in this room, which they had it all fixed up as a bedroom. So, getting me there was sort of dishonesty. Getting me into the interview.

I was expecting an interview on Austrian economics. So, that didn't turn out that way. But, by the time he started pulling his pants down, I, What is going on here? I ran out of the room. This interview has ended.

When this all gets out, I'm probably going to have to apologize to my supporters because I think most of them are going to figure out why in the world didn't I sock this guy in the nose?

SLIWA: You ran out. But, did you actually see the original Borat film where he pulls these kinds of stunts?

PAUL: No, no. Movies I used to see are 'Sound of Music.' Tonight, I was sitting here watching 'Gone with the Wind.' So, I don't watch that kind of stuff. And I understand he makes a lot of money. But, if he makes a lot of money, I have to permit the market to do this.

I don't like the idea that he lies his way into an interview. That to me is fraud. But, the fact that he has raunchy material and people buy into it, it's sort of sad that that is a reflection of our culture. To me, it's a real shame that people are going to reward him with millions and millions of dollars for being so crass."



"the sound of music"?

"gone with the wind"?

 And oh noes!!! It's "sad" that one of the funniest guys on the planet right now can make money off of being so "crass".

 I guess to the grea Dr.Paul, Bruno should be following Andy Griffith, or some old-timey, good natured, talkie comedy genius like Cal Stewart.

I Will Now Recognize "Keith'O" (Blog Post)

Since Keith Olbermann started actively attacking Bill O'reilly, and they both have last names that start with "O", and since O'reilly's nickname has been "Bill'O" or some other incarnation for quite some, a few, many, several, possible, years, I think it is from henceforth agreeable that I/We/Me can, and all of the rest of YOU can now reference Mr.Olbermann as "Keith'O" (or another form of the same reference)and, also.


That is definitely all

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