jonny says...

Cap'n Crunch has supernatural milk absorption properties and sugar content. It is indeed the ideal of kid cereals. Well, maybe second to Cookie Crisp.

oh yeah - that is the funniest Venn diagram ever drawn. No, fools, don't try to show counter-examples - you will only fail.

laura says...

Cookie Crisp was my only "forbidden fruit" as a kid...even my mom wouldn't let me eat it. (She was a food pusher, too...)
So, when I was on my own for the first time I bought a box. It seriously failed to live up to its advertised awesomeness.
That is all.
I loved this diagram!

jonny says...

My brother was a big fan of Frosted Flakes, but I never understood the point. I'd just as soon take a bowl of good ol' Corn Flakes and dump a couple tablespoons of sugar on it. We definitely agreed on the awesomeness of Froot Loops, though.

I know what you guys are saying about Cookie Crisp. I don't think my taste buds fully formed until sometime in college (which was a real shame growing up in New Orleans). Having tried them as an adult, I was surprised that I had liked it at all.

Anyone ever tried half & half on your cereal? I know, it sounds messed up, and I wouldn't recommend it daily, but it is a decadent indulgence everyone should try once.

swampgirl says...

Cocoa Pebbles = kid crack.

The boxes are small enough for one greedy child to eat in one Saturday morning.. and it leaves dark chocolately milk to drink at the end.

For a particular little boy I know... having that and having the xbox all to himself w/o having to share at all with his sister would be his dream weekend.

bamdrew says...

mmmm lucky charms... those where as close as I ever got to just basically eating candy for breakfast... I don't think we had those in the house till junior highschool age.

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