No Good...

Our company isn't doing too great and myself and a couple of others might be laid off tomorrow...or just given a part time role.  Since I don't know how to handle my time without somebody telling me how to, I sense that I'll be getting into a lot of trouble.

I know you're thinking "why does this have to happen to rottenseed, he's such a nice fella".  And to that one person who thought that and that obviously doesn't know me, I say: don't worry, I'll go back to slangin' rocks if I have to.

Point of the story: Who wants some crack?

rottenseed says...

>> ^blankfist:
Sorry to hear the bad news. Seriously, why does this have to happen to you? You're such a nice fella. Oh well, I suppose that's the cosmic injustice of the world.

I'm sure some guy whose girlfriend I boned might not think it's an injustice, but I'm fairly confident nobody is keeping a cosmic tab. If somebody is keeping tabs, I'd be swallowing fiery demon sperm right now.

peggedbea says...

my hospital cleaned house 3 weeks ago. ive been out of work since. its not so bad.
go ahead and feel free to use all those tax dollars blankfist had stolen from him, i know i am.
and really its only right he help support you now after he stretched out your anus like that.

laura says...

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^blankfist:
Sorry to hear the bad news. Seriously, why does this have to happen to you? You're such a nice fella. Oh well, I suppose that's the cosmic injustice of the world.

I'm sure some guy whose girlfriend I boned might not think it's an injustice, but I'm fairly confident nobody is keeping a cosmic tab. If somebody is keeping tabs, I'd be swallowing fiery demon sperm right now.

^ it's so cute that you think you're so bad, rotten...

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Sux. I'm on a 3 month contract that seems to be constantly teetering on the edge every three months. Though one part of me wouldn't mind the time off - I feel I might sink into the couch permanently if I had it.

rottenseed says...

>> ^dag:
Sux. I'm on a 3 month contract that seems to be constantly teetering on the edge every three months. Though one part of me wouldn't mind the time off - I feel I might sink into the couch permanently if I had it.

I know...I was starting to get excited about the possibility of time off. Probably a coping mechanism, but it made me feel better.

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