Spam Haiku
keyboard jerkin' off
desperate for attention
spammers self-combust
now even worse than
The New Media Douchbag
gang ban the spammer
call me a post whore
but flooding sites with that crap
you'd blow for page hits
desperate for attention
spammers self-combust
now even worse than
The New Media Douchbag
gang ban the spammer
call me a post whore
but flooding sites with that crap
you'd blow for page hits
though it is tempting

Viagra's unneeded and
I've enough inches
How about limericks?!
Why spammers persist I'm unsure.
To all true Sifters 'round who are pure:
Let's spread out each spammer
and apply the ban-hammer,
for castration may be the sole cure.
I'd give a *quality if I could. To the both of yas.
lucky's got some nerve
posting about his man size
wonder charms says
apparent to me

is "charms" has one syllable
that's not a haiku
you are deflecting

i detect a tiny dick
wonder what charms says
Haiku War!
missed this blog post
too lazy to read it all
dark clouds in the sky
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