Why We killed SOPA and why we should never expect another easy victory

1.   Our outrage against SOPA had a long incubation phase.
  We knew about PIPA over a year ago.  Enough people educated themselves about it.  But instead of lapsing into apathy, they STAYED ANGRY.  People on reddit KNEW that SOPA would shut reddit down.  The anger kept people passionate about the issue.

2.  Powerful allies like Wikipedia.  When 96% of people have never heard of SOPA, then congress can 96% ignore the outrage.

3.  The media Presstitutes ignored or didn't cover SOPA, so they didn't have a counter-narrative to throw mud on SOPA opponents.

marinara says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday

I'd argue with point 3. I don't think they want to pick a fight with the public or fuel the flames of outrage by openly reporting on controversial bills they support. It's much better for the bottom line to keep these things hush hush.

yeah, they couldn't come out for SOPA because they had pretty much ignored it.
But why did they ignore SOPA. I guess I agree with you, they didn't think it was newsworthy because... who knows

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